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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Password updates should only be prompted for AFTER the MFA step has successfully completed.

David Crozier 5 months ago 0

When I logged onto ScreenConnect last night, I entered my credentials and clicked on the login button and it immediately took me to a password update screen WITHOUT doing the MFA check FIRST.  Please make sure the MFA step happens FIRST before allowing the password to be changed.

Pending Review

Would like to be able to restrict a users access to screenconnect via IP

lisa 5 months ago 0
Pending Review

Add tray icon status for active commands/backstage

shawnkhall 6 months ago 0

Currently the SC tray icon has no colored glyph to indicate when SC is connected but inactive, a red glyph when it is disconnected/offline, and a green glyph when an interactive session is active. It would be nice if a glyph were added to indicate when a command or backstage session were active (I think orange would be ideal). 

Reasoning: This would be nice for our clients with slower connections to be able to see that we're actively working on their computers "behind the scenes" so they don't turn it off on us. 

Pending Review

Automate should uninstall SC when you choose redeploy

Ian Murphy 6 months ago 0

Occasionally we've found that windows cumulative updates break screenconnect... or something does. We'll find an agent where the service simply won't start and I'm pretty certain it occurs after a  monthly update occurs. 

In any case, the solution, from automate, is to uninstall SC and then click on Redeploy.

I'd like to suggest that, if Automate sees that SC is not running, then the reploy function should uninstall the agent and then deploy it.

While I realise this is an Automate function, it touches both products and its only necessary due to an issue with SC failing, so I'm filling out the request here.

Pending Review

Better Linux Headless Support & Docker Clients & SSH

Sean Keown 6 months ago 0

Provide better support for Linux headless clients. We are installing on more and more linux systems with 100% of them being headless. 

We are noticing multiple issues around switching sessions and or viewing the screen.

Image 1244

Idea A - Embed a native SSH client into the screenconnect client. 

Image 1246

Idea B - Along with idea A - Have the screenconnect client have an option to tunnel traffic and allow 3rd party apps to connect over a localhost port. This would provide functionality with the users SSH keys and other stuff until the screenconnect team can implement certain features. 

Image 1248

Pending Review

Make older versions of ScreenConnect client available to connect

Ian L-F 6 months ago 0

it would be nice for legacy and compatibility reasons to have older versions of ScreenConnect available for client installation.

Pending Review


ChaseTowne 7 months ago 0

Add support for reCAPTCHA and/or Cloudflare


sessions files on server

asava 7 months ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 months ago 4

Hello, in my server there is a folder named session (C:\ScreenConnect\App_Data\Session) in which there are more than 20000 files, and the total space occupied is more than 200GB. Is it possible to delete the older ones? Moreover, the DB of the application is almost 2 GB, and in the last days I'm facing a strange problem: all the clients get disconnected at the same time and I have to reboot the server. Is this problem due to the DB size, or the excessive number of files in the Session folder, or anything else?

Pending Review

Cannot log into connect

MarkB 7 months ago updated 7 months ago 6

Yesterday I had a problem where when I tried to log in I was getting "Invalid Credentials" error message.  Tried restarting IIS and the server without success.  I finally restored the "App_Data" folder and was able to log in.  I used the application the remainder of the day without issues.  Today I again have trouble logging in with a different message.  Today I get "The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error.  

Pending Review

Ticket template tasks with clickable links (hyperlinks)

Thomas Patton 8 months ago 0

When we make templates with tasks we like to link to more resources pertaining to the step in the task for clarification. It would be very helpful to have the links actually be clickable and not need to be copied into the browser. It would be further helpful if there was a markdown for making hyperlink text so long URLs can be easily dropped in mid-sentence.