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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Fullscreen track pad instead of having the mouse

bheindel 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

The Microsoft Remote Desktop client has this function. Force touch on iOS right clicks as well.

Under Review

multiple branding over one server

Paul Hugues 7 years ago updated by Sean White 6 years ago 2

A partner asked us to provide support for their customers using our infrastructure while using their name. We would like to be able to offer multiple branding over one Control server.

for example:

main.support could bring our branded page for support

client1.support could bring a client branded page for the support we are provinding to them

client2.support could bring another branded page for the support we are provinding to them


Considering for Future Release

App.Config DisabledCommandNames Option in Roles

CSFi 7 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 6 years ago 2

There needs to be an option to allow some or all of the App.Config file setting to be used in the Roles settings. Currently if you want to remove the option to not allow someone to Blank Guess Monitor it's a global setting which financial institutions don't want to happen. On the other hand if your staff are working from home they do want the ability to blank their screens.


Protect One Session Group

Leo W 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

Ability to protect only one session group but allow a user to create new session groups and have access to them. I have contacted support regarding this and they suggested submitting a new feature request.

Under Review

Add ESET 2 Factor Authenication to ConnectWise Control

ABrey 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

ESET has 2 Factor Control already ad we would like to see it integrated with ConnectWise Control

Under Review

Remove side black bar when accessing smaller resolution guest on full screen mode

josidarta 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

When you are connecting to a guest machine that has lower resolution than your guest and maximise/full screen the application, you will see black borders on both sides.

It would be nice to maximise the view and remove the black borders.

Example: https://imgur.com/a/bIjgV

For extra information, please refer to support case #9552598

Pending Review

session group security

Ken DSC 7 years ago updated by Brad zemke 6 years ago 2

Allow exceptions by session group for security. i.e. we want permissions to flow down to all groups except one we can define as an exception. Currently we need to add each group to a users security group if we want to create exception session groups.

Under review

2 Factor Authentication to Cloud Account Admin

Shlomi 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Please add option 2 Factor to Cloud Account Admin via email address !

please let me know

Under Review

GuestOperatingSystemName - looking for variable to pull Build number as well

Richard Sudol 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

GuestOperatingSystemName - looking for variable to pull Build number as well.  Weve had issues where windows 10 updates chages build numbers and we need to sort those out. 


Change Password screen should offer clarity of minimum requirements and illegal characters

Joshua A. Szántó 7 years ago updated by convextech 5 months ago 2

We resell access to ConnectWise Control Access to some of our customers. When we setup accounts we force the user to change their password on first login. Many times we have received questions or experienced some frustration over the process of changing password for the following reasons:

  • Lack of clarity of minimum password requirements, not identified or written anywhere (or at least not obviously and clearly)
  • Even with the rule of "minimum 8 characters, 1 upper, 1 lower, 1 number, 1 symbol" it is possible to get an error message stating 'invalid password'. Sometimes the password does not change, and sometimes despite the error message the password changes (but only find out after we log out and log back in). This is extremely confusing for both our client users and our NOC technicians. I have personally experienced both scenarios where a complex password I try (a) does not take effect + I receive an error message stating 'invalid password' (which password is invalid? the old password or the new one?) and (b) I receive the error message stating 'invalid password' + my account password changed to the 'invalid password' password (the new one) and the only way to test this is to log out and log back in trying the new password for which I received an error message

Additionally, we have had users encounter 'invalid password' with 2FA setup. They enter their credentials and hit login, then enter their Google Authenticator code and hit submit only to receive an 'invalid password' error.

I apologize in advance as some of what I write and present here is lacking in concrete reproducible steps.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hey Joshua,

You can edit the web resource ChangePasswordPanel.Description to include password requirements. 


Even with the rule of "minimum 8 characters, 1 upper, 1 lower, 1 number, 1 symbol" it is possible to get an error message stating 'invalid password'. 

If a user is meeting the password requirements the error shouldn't appear. If that isn't the case, please reach out to our support team so they can investigate.

Sometimes the password does not change, and sometimes despite the error message the password changes (but only find out after we log out and log back in).

Again, if an error is received but the pw is accepted I'd reach out to support so this can be investigated and logged. 
