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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Remote Access to Mobile Desktops

Avinash 7 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 6 years ago 5

When connecting to a client's mobile device using the ScreenConnect App, it pretty much has no useful functionality. As an MSP, clients call in requesting help setting up setting up their emails. Sometimes we end up sending someone onsite because there is no way for us to see what the end user is doing.

It would be great to have access to the mobile desktop to make these setup easier. Even some sort of limited or view only access would be helpful than no access. 

Mike Bannerman 6 years ago

If you're using an Android device to connect to a mobile device or if your end user/guest has an Android device, please make sure to install the ConnectWise Control App. It is the only app still receiving updates.  

If you or your guest has that app installed and you're still having trouble I suggest you reach out to our Support team so they can help you. 

You should be able to view an iOS device, but you will not be able to control it. 


Under Review

Maintenance Plan Actions - add session variables and expressions, more maintenance plan options to admins

derekj 7 years ago 0

Right now Create Action under maintenance plans is very limited to end user and admins for Plan actions.  Session variables should be incorporated into Database Maintenance Plans area so a user/admin can automate additional processes. Similar to how SQL Jobs work and scheduling. 

Ultimately I'd like new session group expressions, like LastHostConnectedEventTime > $XDAYSAGO wrapped into a action of deleting any support sessions based on it's own schedule.

Under Review

Proxy auto-detection for the Java Client

Malte 7 years ago 0

Ticket: # 9264368

Please add proxy auto-detection, which would also work on Windows 7, into the Java Client.


Remove calendar from the invite options in ScreenConnect

Patrick Vroonland 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

We are using G Suite iwithin our organization and therefore the invite option Calendar when creating a new support session is not usefull for us. We can not insert it in our calendar. Would be great to have the ability to remove the Celendar option from the invite part.

anonymous 6 years ago

Set InvitationPanel.CalendarTabVisible on the Appearance page under Web Resources to false.


Predefined Scripts for different scenarios when working with customers

Alonzo Lattimore 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

What I'd like to do is setup predefined scripts that can be pushed to the client side chat window. I used to work for Plumchoice and they used Bomgar as their remote support platform. When a customer was about to be serviced I was able to push over the Terms of Service, the Malware Disclaimer, and Data Backup Disclaimer. These individual scripts that were pushed to the client side chat window depending on the situation. Can screenconnect mimic this? I have just recently installed chatonconnect and it works perfectly. All I need now is the predefined scripts and I will be over joyed.

anonymous 6 years ago


If you want to send predefined messages to the guest's chat window try the Preset Chat extension available on the Extension Marketplace. 

Let me know if the extension helps. 

Dimitri was referring to the toolbox feature, which could also help, depending on what you're attempting to do.  



Change Start page to include idle time along with Screenshot (UI Change)

dan 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

The new version 6.3 has separated two crucial bits of information we always look at before connecting.

The screenshot and user idle time are now on separate pages.

We really preferred the old screen, but at the very least, it would help to have idle time shown just below the screenshot.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hi All,

The Add Screenshot to General Tab extension can solve your request.



When you restrict IP's you should not be able to still login.

grant dawson 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Even after a ip has been restricted you can still login all be it to a white page. the login details should not be available to any one but the approve IP's

Under review

ScreenConnect issue with Sophos Central

stephen hogan-psl 7 years ago updated by ITConnections 6 years ago 3

Version 6.1.12292.6236

Hi everyone,

We have Sophos Central on our LAN, and by default, this typically warns users when downloading what they class as 'Risky Downloads' - e.g. .exe, .msi, and offer a warning such as:

Image 119

The user can choose to proceed with the download (in which it is logged) or return to the previous page.

When using the "Build+" dialog and clicking the "Download" button, this warning does NOT appear, and there is no change to what the user sees (other than "Waiting for <servername>" in the status bar).

Image 120

As you can see from the above video, when I 'Inspect' the code behind the download button, I can see the HTML code that refers to an iframe - opening this iframe in a new tab brings up the warning that *** should *** appear to the end user. this way, I can proceed and download the executable.

All I am asking for is that when clicking on the "Download" button that it detects that Sophos Central is intercepting the request to download an executable file that it changes the web page to the "Sophos Web Protection" page (as in the image far up) or open a new tab/window.

Sophos Central does not have the ability to whitelist the URL to download executables, as those rules are mutually exclusives of each other. I can whitelist sites but not downloads from particular sites, and if I allow executables, it would be for ALL sites - not the most secure way of handling downloads! ;)

For the time being, I do have to relax the rule on executable files, but this does pose a risk.

Any advice appreciated.



Under Review

Add "invite" options to host window in Support and Meeting sessions.

quentin boyer 7 years ago 0

add option to "invite" to a session from within the host window of Support and Meeting sessions- ie send email link, copy link etc...

Under review

One session, two hosts, file receive goes to both

Krzysztof Pigłowski 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

When using receive file and have more than one host connected to same session file download goes to each host's default download folder. 

This is happening while using different user logins to screenconnect portal and different host IPs. (Tested from office and home at once)

tested in service ticket 9094920.

Seen in latest 6.2 and before in 6.1.