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  • If you find a matching request, give it a thumbs up and throw in a comment.
  • If you can't find a request for an item you need, create your own request. Provide as many details as you can, especially regarding possible use cases.


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

File Transfer in Meeting Sessions

FHE 7 years ago 0

Please add the option to transfer files in Meeting sessions.

Under Review

control hours that a user can access a session group

mhighsmith 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

to be able to have a user only access a session group during a certain time frame. example only can access session group A from 8am to 5pm


Allow multiple two factor options for the same user (i.e., Google Auth and Email)

beaumont 7 years ago updated by Tyler Findleton 6 years ago 4 1 duplicate

Would like the option to use more than one 2-factor option for the same user.


Add ability to cosmetically change URL hosts use to invite with a code in a cloud instance

David Ball 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 7

We would like to be able to change the URL that shows up for our techs inviting with a code so we can streamline our instructions for inviting a customer. We cannot use the CNAME method as we have our cloud instance integrated with our website via an iframe.

I worked with support on this and was told there was a web.config key called WebServerAddressableURI which is unfortunately disabled in cloud instances. I would greatly appreciate it if either the key is added/enabled in a cloud instance or if a web resource can be made instead.

Here is a screenshot for reference, we are trying to change the URL shown below.

Image 180

David Ball 7 years ago

Hi Kirsten,

I have reached out to the forum guys and they helped me create an extension that didn't sacrifice anything in the menus. Feel free to mark this as completed if you want to.

If anyone who views this page wants to check it out, here is a link to the forum page:



Ability to Hide Meeting Tab and Feature

Clint Thomson 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

We don't use the meeting features in our product and would prefer to hide that tab in the web interface.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hi Clint,

You can hide the tab from users by disabling the permission CreateMeetingSession under the user's role. 



Session Group Position and Move Ideas

Jonathan Lehman 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

We bulk created 200+ session groups over the past year and would like an easier way to view them and/or move their current position or order.  Here are some ideas we would like to see.  

- Be able to drag and drop positions in the GUI

- Move up one or down one.  

     This would be similar to the existing "Mote to Top" and "Move to Bottom" buttons.  

- Move To Position - With Searching instead of just the "drop down" option.  

- Be able to order/sort alphabetically 

     The Idea behind this is to sort once alphabetically, then move custom groups around as needed.  

Under Review

Pointing on Meeting Session

ADS Data Systems Support 7 years ago 0

We would like to have the ability to allow your audience point at something during the meeting when they have questions. We also use Team Viewer and they have that feature that Screenconnect is lacking. When users click at an area they want us to go back, their name pops up with the pointer at the location they clicked. I will be happy to show you on a remote session.

Under Review

Browser notifications for guest joining session

MSN 7 years ago 0

It would be useful is there was an option to display browser desktop notifications or change the page title (e.g. "(1) ConnectWise Control" or "*** ConnectWise Control") when a guest joins a session, eliminating the need to have the client or page open to know when someone has joined. A click of the notification could instantly trigger the ScreenConnect client URL handler, making joining very quick.

These are the desktop notifications I'm referring to:


Image 154


Allow grouping by organisation

MSN 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Allow grouping by organisation under the Access tab in a similar fashion session groups are displayed (without the need to manually create filters).

anonymous 6 years ago
Under Review

Theme colours - Text colour to not be defined by a background colour

Peter Vojtech 7 years ago 0

The colour of the text in many areas is defined by the property “Shade1 background colour”. Background colours are typically the opposite contrast needed to a text colour.

Therefore it’s incredibly difficult to use the right colours.


Is there anyway to break these components out in your theme editor, or an ability to use a CSS editor?


Or ideally to have the “Header Text Colour” extend to all areas where the “Header Background Colour” is used?

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