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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Allow for push notifications when a new message is received from an access client.

CryptoSage 7 years ago updated by Rudy Mendivil 6 years ago 3

It would be really nice to be able to get a notification on the desktop when a new message comes in so that the window doesn't have to be open or monitored closely all the time.

anonymous 6 years ago

Thank you for reaching out. We actually have an extension that will send desktop notification when a new message comes in. It is on the extension marketplace as: "Desktop Notifications". Please let us know if it suits your needs.


Consent - Improved LabTech Integration

jeremy awecomm 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

Currently the consent requirement is all-or-nothing when accessing ScreenConnect/Control via LabTech/Automate. We are required to keep this consent in place for accessing end user computers, but this is a huge roadblock for us when trying to access servers. If LabTech were ever able to resolve the known issues RE their RDP tunnels crashing constantly (still an open issue, 6 months now) this would not be such an issue as we would just use RDP. However we have much more faith in the ScreenConnect team to help us out with an integration enhancement that would allow us to apply this consent requirement based on other factors such as whether or not the guest machine is running a server OS, for instance. Right now we have to apply the consent requirement to the default All Sessions group which is what LabTech hits when it connects us to a machine.

anonymous 7 years ago


The Control integration is worked on by the Automate team. I have passed along your request, but in the future you can post additional integration requests here:


Under Review

Shortcut or button to clear on-screen annotations

Smef 7 years ago updated by Meisei Yoshiyama 5 years ago 4

Currently it's a bit difficult to clear out annotations on the screen, at least on the Mac client. If you've been drawing on the screen and want to clear it you have to go to the menus at the top of the screen, which can be very slow if you're having to draw and then clear repeatedly. It would be great if there was a clear screen shortcut key or a management panel like on Windows, including a button to manage on-screen annotations.


Using the client's user name as their name in the messages and participants

ross 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

When participating in a remote session as the technician my username appears for messages and also in the participants list. I have found the setting under appearance which allows you to change the "GuestAnonymousName" but I think it would be great to be able to use their username for the remote session as it would be much more professional in the chat than "Guest" when they're a contract customer of your company.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hi Ross,

It's possible to prompt a guest for their name before a support session if you enable the web resource settings JoinPanel.SupportPromptParticipantNameVisible and JoinPanel.SupportPromptVisible. 


Pending Review

sync language output from local pc to client (like RDP Session )

Nati Zekri 7 years ago 0

we use two lang (HEB , ENG ) and when i connect to client they become unsynced lang .

we want 

auto sync my computer with the client lang


Considering for Future Release

Show IP address and/or computer name in OTP email

Cooper 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1


Everyone who needs access to the screenconnect/control web interface is granted that via a security group in AD. However, there's a generic local admin account that's still available as a back door in the event the AD accounts don't work. The switch from local accounts to AD accounts was made recently, and it has been requested to keep that one local account open for now.

Email OTP has been setup for that admin account, and a group of people get the OTP email when someone tries to use that account.

My question is, can the OTP email include information like the IP address and/or computer name of the machine that accessed the web interface? I know the idea is that only one person would receive the OTP email with the code, but we all need that email since it's a generic account for any of us to use. Having additional details in that OTP email would make identifying the OTP requester easier.

Under Review

Recording ability for access only subscriptions

jhardwick 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

I'd like to see it available even as an add-on for cloud hosted access session only subscriptions.

We use access subscriptions vs. tech subscriptions to allow the end users (not just techs) to access their computers remotely.  So while we would save money by going to the premium bundle, we can't because of the SC licensing restrictions and as it stands now can't do the recordings either. :(


record all activities while on remote session

Dulitha Gothmin 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 6

For auditing purpose we need to record all activities / Automatic screen record and save all the data to control server.

Under Review


anonymous 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 10
Considering for Future Release

integrate Google Smart Lock for login

Quist ICT 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

Please integrate Google Smart Lock for login. Details here: https://developers.google.com/identity/smartlock-passwords/android/