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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Delete Support sessions after 3 days

EvdZon 2 months ago 0


We would like the option to configure a automatic delete and end support session after 3 days (or configurable time).

Most of the time our support required multiple days of support so ending the sessions directly after disconnect is not preferred but we would like to force a 'end support' session after a period of time (now 3 days but if this can be configured that would be great).

It doesn't matter if the Host/Guest is connected or not, the support Session should be ended after 3 days/72 hours or if it's easier during a maintenance task at the end of the day.

The process on the Guest should be ended normally as if you end the session yourself and should not reconnect on restart.

Pending Review

Option to choose ephemeral account or logged on user for CAM UAC elevations

TopCat1121 2 months ago 0

Please can you add the ability to choose whether CAM elevates as the logged on user, or the ephemeral (TempAdmin) account? Whether that be a global option across the ScreenConnect tenant, or a separate option when approving UAC requests. We use AppLocker and group policy restrictions for our users, and elevating through CAM as the user still has all the policies and lockdown restrictions in place making it pointless to use as everything is still locked down.

Pending Review

Show Asset Tag in device info

InvisiBill 2 months ago 0

It would be helpful if the Asset Tag was shown in the device info along with Model, Serial, etc. It can be queried from WMI with the following command:

WMIC PATH Win32_SystemEnclosure Get SMBIOSAssetTag
Pending Review

I want to be able to change portal to include variables so i can route it to my cloud radial portal

Jacob Berezing 2 months ago 0

I want to be able to change portal to include variables so i can route it to my cloud radial portal

Pending Review

Ability to schedule own installer/script

Wayne Fogg 3 months ago 0

As well as being able to add your own cmd/powershell scripts and schedule them in Control it would be handy if you could also upload and schedule your own installers such as a .msi or .exe file.

Pending Review

IT Boost password attach to CI

Stuart-Prevos 3 months ago 0

It would be great if you could add/attach/link an IT Boost password object to a Configuration Item.

Pending Review

Change Approvals - Reporting

dawn miller 3 months ago 0

When using the Change Approvals module, it would be great if there were associated reports available.  There is currently NO ability to report even a listing of requests without entering a support ticket, and, even then, what is received doesn't show all of the attributes of the changes themselves. If the information was available within Report Writer or BrightGauge, we could develop the reports to suit our needs if that would be a better alternative.

Pending Review

No updates found. There was an error fetching the data.

EddieO 3 months ago 0

Image 1263

This message is confusing. It seems to me that the "There was an error fetching the data." should be removed. I manually went to a few of these computers that displayed this and confirmed that no updates are available for them. The 2nd sentence makes it seem like there was a problem.

Pending Review

Deployment of ScreenConnect via Intune.

Keian 3 months ago updated 3 months ago 0

Deployment of ScreenConnect via Intune for Android, Allow Custom Configs To Auto Add Unnattended Access And Disallow Removing The Connection.

Pending Review

Schedule automatic windows updates to multiple systems

SURESH RAJ 3 months ago 0

Schedule automatic windows updates to multiple systems. This way i can schedule all windows updates in Week 1(Group1) and Week 2(Group2) and so on.