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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

How to unblock Windows updates

Erin Fleming 23 hours ago 0

I am very frustrated by Connectwise blocking Windows updates.  I work for an MSP, and currently, many of the computers that need updates can't be updated because Connectwise is blocking the updates.  I just worked on a computer today that said that important security updates were missing for Windows 10, but I could not update it because Connectwise was blocking the updates.  How can I unblock them?

Pending Review

Automatic Screenshots and Storing in a file

j S 1 day ago 0

add a feature to take screenshots and store them in a file so we know what a user has been doing during the day.

Pending Review

Maintenance Window for Auto Upgrade

Matthew Wilson 1 day ago 0

Upgrades of Screenconnect agent have happened during business hours on some machines, a maintenance window should be allowed to be set so this doesn't happen during business hours.

Pending Review

No Reboot on upgrade

Matthew Wilson 1 day ago 0

The installer can currently cause a reboot on upgrade in the automatic upgrade, the Windows Installer recognizes the device needs a reboot so it reboots even if Screenconnect doesn't require it. (MSI REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS) This issue caused servers to reboot during business hours.

Pending Review

import machine names into device group

SteveK 2 days ago 0

Dynamic groups are great, but I get spreadsheets of machines we need to work on, and dynamic won't work because it's external, and to add them to a list manually is very tedious, as the interface is not intuitive for this use.  I suggest a third option to import a list of names appearing as a device group, which would be very helpful.

Pending Review

Toolbox item usage

Elliot 2 days ago 0

It would be very helpful to be able to view a list of all toolbox items used, and by whom, to help with the organization and maintaining of toolbox items. This would help see what is useful, and what items are rarely if ever used. 

Pending Review

Disable Timeline Tab

khardy 3 days ago 0

Would like to disable the Timeline tab in the Host tabs either completely, or for certain roles.  Trying to prevent abuse of privileges.

Pending Review

Persistent Cookies as a per user setting

N R. 2 weeks ago 0

I'd like to be able to enable or disable the "Use Persistent Cookies" setting on a per user basis. Most of my techs I'm fine with having the ability to cache their 2FA for 7 days but some I'd like to force them to enter the 2FA code every time they log in. 

Pending Review

Migrate access agents between instances

Casey Price 2 weeks ago 0

Looking for a way to migrate a specific set of session groups and access agents from an on-premise ScreenConnect instance to a cloud instance. The migration extension does the full migration, but we just need to move a portion of the access agents over to a different instance rather than having to reinstall 275 or so agents for our customers.

Pending Review

2 options for MFA - app and email for same user

SusanJax 3 weeks ago 0

Need email and authenticator app MFA options.