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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Remove Company/Site/User for a compact access agent list to single line to fit more on the screen.

seguse 4 weeks ago 0

Give us the ability to compact the access agent list to a single line so we can fit more on the screen. Have a "view option" called "compact".

Image 1280

Pending Review

Spotlight tour when defaults change after an upgrade

tmontney 1 month ago updated 1 month ago 0

Sometimes the default behavior of ScreenConnect changes and will not affect existing ScreenConnect instances. For example, (allegedly) the Windows Active Directory user source is no longer enabled by default. Understandably, this is to prevent disruption to existing instances.

While administrators should always review change logs before upgrading, I believe a spotlight tour (much like you get when installing a new instance) could draw attention to these changes. For instance, you have the Windows Active Directory user source enabled but it is not configured. You upgrade to the new version which disables this by default on new installs. The spotlight tour will highlight this change, at next logon, and ask you if you want to disable it.

Pending Review

Require Opt-in for use of local users (Windows Active Directory User Source)

tmontney 1 month ago 0

If this user source is enabled without any configuration, it allows users to sign-in as local Windows users. (Unknown if this is also true for Linux.) While this is "expected behavior", it was unknown to me. ScreenConnect should change this behavior to opt-in.

  • A checkbox, unticked by default, which allows an administrator to enable local user authentication. (If neither Active Directory nor the box is ticked, the user source should not be allowed to stay enabled in an unconfigured state.)
  • This functionality is moved to a separate user source.
Pending Review

Can someone please revisit the price tranches for ScreenConnect?

LarryK 1 month ago 0

I fail to understand how someone determined that a price tranche was 100 then 250 devices under control.

That completely eliminates MOST MSPs that would have fewer than 200 devices.

I'm also wondering why ConnectWise can bill monthly for RMM they can't bill monthly for SC.

Please reconsider this - because I would JUMP if there was a targeted billing option.

Pending Review

Deploy Software

Marcin Rybarczyk 1 month ago 0

I would like to have a feature like Run Tool but for Deploying Software. 
I would like to have the ability to upload setup files and correlated files like configs etc. 
I would like to have the ability to customise msi or exe command line execution parameters. It would be great to have something like PDQ Deploy and PDQ Connect feature in this tool integrated to allow instant deployment of customized applications.
I'm new user I currently under the impression that even if I upload complete set of file to Run Tool container and execute cmd or bat file that refers to other files in the folder it is not working for some reason.  It's like someone would implement that to just execute os sigle files and not whole set.

Pending Review

Add a multi-select (radio button) option when creating new field in Customziations

Almoonir Dewji 1 month ago 0

We track modules deployed at customers. There could be more than one module deployed. Is it possible to have a field type of multi-select (radio button) for such a scenario?

Pending Review

Do we have a api to create a session where only a 6 digit join code is generated ? using an api

ritank saxena 1 month ago 0

I am trying to integrate Screenconnect with my system , where i want when my agent tried to connect to a customer then the customer receives a email with the joining code and the link to download screeconnect application , 
Right now the code i am able to generate is very long ie 16 digits , i want it to be 6 digits long only.

Pending Review

Audit BuildAccessInstaller

ProgentCT 1 month ago 0

Hi folks, I would like to be able to audit BuildAccessInstaller in ScreenConnect.

Pending Review

Dark Mode

markm 2 months ago 0
Pending Review

Allow "Page Idle Timeout" on Cloud Instance to be honored (Trust for 30 days)

seguse 2 months ago updated 1 month ago 1

I set the "Page Idle Timeout" on Cloud Instance to be 14-days but it keeps logging me out after X hours. Why do you offer this setting if it's never honored? Give us the ability to "Trust this Device" for 30-days so we don't have to constantly login all the time.