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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Changing Font size

srichmond 3 months ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 months ago 1

We would like to be able to change the font size on GuestWelcomePanel.Message


This can be accomplished by adding HTML to the web resource. In the Administration page->Appearance Tab, find the key GuestWelcomePanel.Message, you can then put formatted HTML in the Custom box and save the resource.

<h1>This is a Heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
Pending Review

Add ability to set Type and Subtype on Project Templates

Daisy Brown 3 months ago updated by Joshua Bannister 2 weeks ago 1

This does not currently exist. Request the ability to set type and subtype on Project Template tickets. In this way, when a project is created from the template, all the project tickets will have type and subtype set. Because we can't do this, each project tickets needs the type and subtype added after project created, going one ticket at a time. 


Create group based on "unread chat messages" so we dont have to scroll 1500 devices for a red dot.

Wes Hedrick 3 months ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 months ago 1

We would like the ability to create a group that has computers with unread messages. Its a little annoying to scroll through 1500 computers trying to find one red dot if they arent in the recently accessed section. Thanks!


This is easily accomplished using the following Session Filter:
UnacknowledgedEventCount > 0

Session groups filter reference - ConnectWise

If you have any issues, please feel free to contact our support team:
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Pending Review

Ability to force chat window to front

Wes Hedrick 3 months ago updated 2 months ago 5


Currently, the chat window is pushed behind open apps when sending a message to users before connecting. Can we add a feature to force the chat window to the front when a message is sent? This will help ensure that users see the message notification and are aware that we are reaching out to them. The ability to toggle this feature on would be greatly beneficial.

It looks like this has been requested a few times in the last 8 years. 

Pending Review

Service not starting on new installation

EDrizToromont 4 months ago 0

Hi team.

Recently started using version of the ScreenConnect client and when install on newly imaged machines the ScreenConnect service does not run automatically when installation is completed. Our techs have had to go into services.msc and manually start the service. This is kind of strange as it's set to start automatically in the services entry. There a known issue with this version of the client?


Pending Review

A report that shows when an internal user last logged into the system. This would help control ghost accounts that are no longer active.

Jeff-CRC 4 months ago 0

A report that shows when an internal user last logged into the system. This would help control ghost accounts that are no longer active.

Pending Review

Import CSV files

KevinR&R 4 months ago 0

We have over 500 endpoints to control and the possibility to import csv files would make it possible to have the same information on the endpoints in ScreenConnect as it would be in our Active Directory. 

Pending Review

linux screenconnect client end user profile

ghester 4 months ago 0

Support for Llinux screenconnect using a Client End User profile. Per the product team, this is not supported.

Image 1260

Pending Review

"Always On Top" option for chat window able to be selected as default for all computers

Nick777 4 months ago 0

I would like to see the option to have this check box for "Always On Top" to be a default so that people will see it on their screen instead of just a flashing window on the taskbar. 

Image 1258

Pending Review

automatic screen blank extension - set per machine

kbhit 4 months ago 0

Need ability to apply the blank screen automatically for some machines.  Similar to how the lock at disconnect works, where it is applied to individual computers.