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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Make the Notes field height - dynamic/adjustable, under the Time Details section of a New Note

Joe H. 2 months ago updated 2 months ago 0

In the "New Note" window, make the Time Details section height dynamic/adjustable so the "Notes field" that you type into can be made larger. In a "New Note", we can reduce sections like the "Overview" or "Send Notes as Email" sections, to make more room in the New Note window, but we can't make the actual Note's field larger so we can see more of what we are typing/entering.

Pending Review

Chat - ability to change 'GUEST' to machine reported username

Orhan 2 months ago 0

Chat - ability to change 'GUEST' to machine reported username

Pending Review

How do I setup the SMTP to send email with smtp.office365.com on ScreenConnect on Prem?

firaitservices 2 months ago updated by nathan levandowski 2 months ago 2

I moved my domain email from G Duite to Office 365 and now I cannot send email via smtp.

Pending Review

Ability to remove assigned machines

CardinalStar 2 months ago updated 2 months ago 0

In Screenconnect Access I would like to be able to remove assigned machines per user or click on a machine and remove assignments. I don't want to have to delete the user to remove the assignments for that user.

Pending Review

Terminal Server : Remotely access 2 users or more at the same time

stephane tremblay 2 months ago 0


we have clients that needs to be able to connect to a terminal server remotely at the same time : 2 users min. Been told that's impossible.

Pending Review

Corrupt session database after maintenance run

lucwuyts 2 months ago updated by DeanCTS 2 weeks ago 10

Since the last versions (about 1 month), the session database is always corrupt after running maintenance.   

Deleting the session database and restarting the services solves it, but it is anoying because not all hosts are ordered correct after this.

Pending Review

Record voice/sound during screen recordings.

Liz G. 2 months ago 0

Allow the option to record voice/sound when recording the screen of a PC you are remoted to.

Pending Review

Pin Device to Dashboard

Adolfo from Tekcetera 2 months ago updated 2 months ago 0


My name is Adolfo Perez and I work with Tekcetera. I am a Systems Administrator at Tekcetera and we work with the ASIO platform. I would like to suggest a “Pin/Unpin to Dashboard” feature for devices that we are working on that can help us with our everyday task.

The “Pin/Unpin to Dashboard” feature will pin a device that we are working on to the dashboard and we can unpin the device after we are no longer working on it.

I created the screenshot below to show you how it would work. Please let me know is this is something that you can add in your next update. Let me know if you have any questions!

Pin_Unpin_to_Dashboard screenshot: Pin_to_Dashboard

Kind regards!

Pending Review

Send messages to specific sessions on shared hosts

rfoy-ddc 2 months ago 0


We have users that do work using a virtual desktop that is hosted in Azure. When we support these agents, if we want to send a message to them, we would need to connect to their session first (otherwise the message gets sent to the console session, which is frequently not logged in and always not who we're wanting to contact). I was hoping that messages could be directed to a specific session so that we can communicate with agents before joining their session.

Thank you!

Pending Review

By default, every time our engineer connects to a workstation, the default option is that it takes control of the user's device. Is there any way to change so that the default option is "view-only" and then once approved switches to "control" mode.

anujm 2 months ago updated by Sean Keown 2 months ago 1

Good Evening,

As above -  By default, every time our engineer connects to a workstation, the default option is that it takes control of the user's device. Is there any way to change so that the default option is "view-only" and then once approved switches to "control" mode.