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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

email audit log using trigger

sohlrich 5 months ago 0

Would it be possible to setup a trigger to email someone the audit log (daily/weekly/etc)

Pending Review

Automatically purge stale computers from console

Rich Jones 5 months ago updated by DeanCTS 4 months ago 2

Please add some functionality that allows the automated purging of systems out of the CW console based on customizable criteria such as GuestInfoUpdateTime.  Imagine a scenario where a company has 10,000 computer and all 10,000 computer were replaced.  Your CW console would then have 20,000 machines unless someone manually deletes the original 10k computers, rather than them auto purging after a certain time period or criteria is met.  

Pending Review

Software Installation Date on Software Tab

Craig L 5 months ago 0

I would like to see the Software Installation Date next to the Version that is installed on the General View of a Workstation.

Pending Review

trigger notification based on consent given

sohlrich 5 months ago 0

Wanting to have email notification only for computers where consent has to be given to remote and whether that consent was given or declined.

Pending Review

F2A or mobile validation for each host connection

Abel 5 months ago 0

I have tested the product and it has some lack regarding the security role. If an attacker compromises a technician's computer with unattended access, they will be able to make connections to client hosts without issue. Missing is the option for each HOST to request a two-factor validation or through a mobile app for each connection.

Pending Review

Creating customer invoice from expenses on employee expense report

Michelle Jolly 5 months ago 0

It would be great if once an employee expense report has been created/processed, a customer invoice could be generated for applicable expenses that are to be reimbursed by the customer.

Pending Review

Import Machine Description from AD

KevinR&R 5 months ago 0

Is there a way to link the Client Machine Description from our AD Clients to the hostname in ScreenConnect? 

We have several endpoints in our production facility that are used to display some sort of content, but the same user is used on those endpoints, to find the exact location of that endpoint I'd like to be able to do a search on it's description.

Pending Review

Web Maintenance Mode has different defaults than the Application Maintenance Mode

ckochosky 5 months ago 0

In the application maintenance mode, the default is to Ignore Alerts, but NOT Ignore Scripts. 

Image 1254

In the Web setting for maintenance mode, it is set to ignore BOTH by default.

Image 1255

Can we please change the web maintenance mode to match the original application maintenance mode?

Pending Review

User Read Receipts

Larsen, Eric J 5 months ago 0

Is there anyway we can use the existing read-receipts from Microsoft 365 / Outlook to send read receipts through Manage? That way we know when a user has read the email?

Pending Review

Variable time limit on time based 2fa tokins.

joe42324 5 months ago 0

Set the time deviation for time based 2fa to be variable so you don't repeatedly get refused when your phone time doesn't match perfectly with computer or server time. Verizon locks time about 20 seconds off from actual time and this causes a lot of bad 2fa codes. If we can adjust this variable to have some wiggle room this would no longer happen.