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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Allow us to hide the small menu (includes general, timeline, messages, commands) from certain security roles

Jason Armitage 4 months ago updated 4 months ago 0

We would like to hide that small column menu that shows up when you highlight a pc in Connectwise. We have some users that dont require that menu and our security team would prefer they dont have the option to use the commands option.

Pending Review

Alert for Malware/Spyware/Virus

Mo Oh 4 months ago 0
  • Before connecting to the Host, IF there is a potential Malware/Spyware/Virus/Ransomware on their computer, the admins through Connectwise would be alerted via email. 
  • Upon connection, the connecting computer would be alerted by a pop up notification 
  • The host computer would ALSO receive an urgent email indicating there is an issue with security on that computer
Pending Review


Mo Oh 4 months ago 0

When disconnecting from Connectwise, it'd be great to also auto logout of Windows. 

Pending Review

automatic blank screen on connect and automatic user lock when disconnecting

kbhit 4 months ago 0

Would like to be able to have the remote screen blank when connecting without having to remember to do so after you connect.  And also the ability to have another persistent setting that locks the remote computer or logs the user out when screenconnect disconnects. 

Pending Review

Manage Credential auditing

losborn 4 months ago 0

I would like the ability to see when credentials are requested/stored and when stored credentials are sent to a computer. 

Pending Review

Option to turn off Access Management

CSFi 4 months ago updated 4 months ago 2

You add new options like Access Management that should be disabled so Administrators can review what the new feature are for and allow the Admin the option to turn the feature on or off.

Emails should be sent out that describes what is be added instead of adding the option and then the Admin gets emails from users wanting to know what this is.

Pending Review

Use annotation on Android guest device

Simon 4 months ago 0

Are there plans to add the ability to annotate on Android guest devices?

Pending Review

Android guest mic does not transmit audio

Simon 4 months ago 0

<Current situation>

PC host is conducting a support session with an Android guest device.

The host mic audio is received by the Android device.

But the guest mic audio is not received by the PC host.

So the host can talk to the guest, but the guest can't talk to the host.


Allow Android guest mic audio to be transmitted, so the host and guest can talk to each other during support session.

Pending Review

Port Tunneling

CrashM 5 months ago 0

It would be great if it was possible to do port tunneling like SSH does.

Pending Review

Screen Connect Clients installed and duplicated on console

Haz 5 months ago 0

We have over 3000 devices at college, each 6 months when we reimage devices, as part of TS Screen Connect client is added, this causes duplicates in the console, for instance, if you are looking for machine called A100, you will have 10 duplicates.