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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Add a "View All" button beside the monitor selector buttons

Hypermentality 6 months ago 0

It would be quite convenient to have a View All quick select button right beside the 1,2, & 3 buttons for when you are in session with someone who has multiple screens. This would be much more convenient than having to go to Menu > View > Select Monitors > View All.. The other monitor selector buttons (1, 2, 3) are already located right on top of the monitor window making it easy for the host to click one-time and have it switch to that monitor - could we just add a View All button right along side those buttons?

Pending Review

# and resolution of screens by PCS

Ahmad Malik 6 months ago 0

I would like to know in report on how many screens are resolution there are for the computers in Screenconnect.

Pending Review

External Logging

M S 6 months ago 0

A syslog style logging method to send chat, session connection, and possibly session commands to an external server for auditing.

Pending Review

Send Win+L to host

Dick 6 months ago 0

I would like a way to send the Win+L command (lock PC) to the host.

Pending Review

Add support for a Lock screen button - windows-l

Ian Murphy 6 months ago 0

When connected to an agent you can ctrl-del-sup with a single click. However when you go to disconnect I find that I often want to leave the machine with the console locked (ctrl-alt-sup>enter or windows+L) and this requires sending another ctrl-alt-sup and clicking on lock from the menu. 

I'd like to suggest that either a button be added to send windows-L or that the close session button be replaced by two buttons. 

- One to just disconnect 

- one to lock the session and disconnect

Or maybe generalize something where you can have a button send a key sequence of your choosing.

Obviously you can't just type windows-l or ctrl-alt-sup> enter as this would lock your local desktop.

Pending Review

Store agent version number and last connected date in metadata

Ian Murphy 6 months ago 0

I'd like to suggest that two pieces of data be added to a nodes 'permanent' metadata

- Agent version

- last connected date

both of these bits of data are purged by the housekeeping jobs and diappear after X days. If you have agents permanantly connected - like Automate Agents - then agents which are offline for a couple of months lose this information

Pending Review

User Idle time unable to be extracted by Report manager

Sam Last 6 months ago 0

I’d like to get the field listed here (User) can be extracted via Report manager – I’d like to get the Idle or Active time.

I can do a filter for a session group GuestConnectedCount = 0 AND LastConnectedEventTime < $90DAYSAGO and CustomProperty1 LIKE 'company*'

I was advised that this is currently not put into the DB where the report manager pulls data from.

Image 1243

Pending Review

option command escape for MacOS

cmoss 6 months ago 0

Requesting the ability to send option+command+escape to remote machine running MacOS. Would like to use this to be able to force quit apps if a Mac becomes unresponsive

Pending Review

Configure the ability to block downloads of the Access installer file, and/or require authentication to download the installer file URL.

Dimel 6 months ago 0

We'd like to either block the ability to download the installer from the following URL or require authentication in order to perform the download:


Pending Review

Different policies for different types/groups of devices

Ali172 6 months ago 0

I suggest having a 'policies' section where you can create different policy settings to group together different types of devices or just different groups of devices that you want different settings to apply to.

As an example, we have it set to lock the device when a host joins a session using the 'Access' unattended method but this isn't suitable in some instances so being able to set some devices to auto lock on connect but others not to would be useful.