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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Update CustomPRoperty1

michael_burgess 6 months ago 0

Update CustomPRoperty1 without using the web portal or creating duplicates by reinstalling the client.

Pending Review

For ScreenConnect, I'd love for the ability to track installers and invalidate old ones.

Ian L-F 6 months ago 0

We should be able to invalidate installers up to 'today's date' to prevent ones that have gone rogue for one reason or another from populating our dashboards with dead hosts.

Pending Review

Portrait/Vertical Display Makes In-Session Quality/Zoom+ Options Unreachable

Wesley123 6 months ago 0

A portrait monitor or vertical display will overflow in the top bar "View" section making the "Quality", "Zoom", and "logon session" controls unreachable. 

My example resolution: 800x1280


Image 1242

Missing controls:

Image 1241

Pending Review

Oauth for Email Notifications Configuration

Christopher Roble 6 months ago updated by nathan levandowski 6 months ago 1

Google is phasing out "less secure authentication" so Oauth is needed to allow the server to send email via a google workspace account. https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?hl=en

Can this method be added to the email configuration tab?

I have SAML set up, but if setting up Oauth then allows me to send emails with that email address please let me know?

Pending Review

Subgroups by using the IIF expressions

Tom A1 6 months ago updated by Radame Hernandez 1 month ago 1

I'm trying to organise my ScreenConnect Subgroups by using the expressions but on the true statement I'm unable to achieve what I'm after

IIF (GuestOperatingSystemName LIKE '*server*', ('!Servers', CustomProperty2) , CustomProperty2 )


Could someone be kind enough to point me in the right direction!

This works fine but I also need to include CustomProperty2 at the end of the true statement.

 IIF (GuestOperatingSystemName LIKE '*server*', '!Servers' , CustomProperty2 )



Pending Review

Add option to invert selection

shawnkhall 7 months ago 0

Every time I upgrade SC I have to fix the code again to re-add the ability to invert the selection. Please add this code to the distribution so I don't have to do it myself every time. Thank you.

=== Host.aspx

function shouldCheckSession(session, checkModeType, selected) {
    switch (checkModeType) {
        case 'All': return true;
        case 'None': return false;
        case 'Neither': return !window.isProcessTypeConnected(session, SC.types.ProcessType.Host) && !window.isProcessTypeConnected(session, SC.types.ProcessType.Guest);
        case 'Both': return window.isProcessTypeConnected(session, SC.types.ProcessType.Host) && window.isProcessTypeConnected(session, SC.types.ProcessType.Guest);
        case 'OnlyHost': return window.isProcessTypeConnected(session, SC.types.ProcessType.Host) && !window.isProcessTypeConnected(session, SC.types.ProcessType.Guest);
        case 'OnlyGuest': return !window.isProcessTypeConnected(session, SC.types.ProcessType.Host) && window.isProcessTypeConnected(session, SC.types.ProcessType.Guest);
        case 'Invert': return !selected; // add this line

isRowChecked = window.shouldCheckSession(r._dataItem, eventArgs.commandArgument, isRowChecked);

$div({ className: 'CommandList' }, [
$h4({ _textResource: 'Command.Check.CheckText' }),
        { commandName: 'Check', commandArgument: 'All' },
        { commandName: 'Check', commandArgument: 'None' }, // add comma
        { commandName: 'Check', commandArgument: 'Invert', text: 'Invert' } // add line


For language support it also requires adding a value to the resx:

=== Web.en-US.resx

<data name="Command.CheckInvert.Text" xml:space="preserve">




Pending Review

Include file extenstions in Backstage File Explorer

LarryK 7 months ago 0

Now that you've implemented a decent, functioning, version of a File Explorer in Backstage, could you please go one step further and include file extensions?  Or the ability to turn them on or off for display?


Pending Review

Connect Wise Issue

Philip Fisher 7 months ago updated by Javanth Charles 3 months ago 2

I hope I am in the right community.  Please move if needed.

I have a teacher who has a MacBook Air running Monterey.   This message continues to appear on the desktop "ScreenConnect- Exit Application. Your host has ended the remote session. This application will not close".   

I reached out to CW support and they told me to use terminal to run some commands but doing "sudo -r /...." is not working. 

How do I fix it? 

Pending Review

Is it possible to add a feature in CW Control where we can exclude particular computer from displaying disconnection message. This is global setting and can be done using SessionHostsDisconnectedMessage.

Rajni Singh 7 months ago updated 7 months ago 0

Is it possible to add a feature in CW Control where we can exclude particular computer from displaying disconnection message. This is global setting and can be done using SessionHostsDisconnectedMessage.

Below is few example of the disconnection message

Image 1239

Image 1240

Pending Review

Recording access as a separate privilege

Volker Mauel 7 months ago 0
Hey all,

We have a screenconnect instance for our internal users and our external servicedesk.
For our external servicedesk, we want to provide the ability to download recordings.

Currently, this is only possible by giving away the "golden key" aka cloud administrator.
Could this please be separated into a different permission, thus allowing to create an "auditor" rolw without the potential impact of giving out cloud admin?
