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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Pre logon message for Access sessions

JoshuaB 5 months ago 0

A custom message that is visible only to the Host. This message would be seen either A.) after the Host double-clicks the session but before they see the Guest's screen or B.) immediately after they see the Guest's screen. This would be similar to the Interactive Logon Session GPO in Active Directory. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-10/security/threat-protection/security-policy-settings/interactive-logon-message-text-for-users-attempting-to-log-on

The primary use case we were thinking of was for connecting to law enforcement computers. CJIS wants a notification to be seen by any technician that connects to a law enforcement computer that states things like "You are accessing a restricted system" and "Unauthorized use of the system is prohibited and may be subject to criminal penalties". You could also use this for medical clients to inform/remind the tech of HIPAA guidelines, or for any industry that has specific guidelines that need to be followed. You could even use it to alert the tech of an ongoing project or some special circumstance the client has (oh man, what if you could tie it to something like the Home page banner in an IT Glue org!).

This would have to be something you could apply on a per-session group basis, a global setting wouldn't work.

Pending Review

Support ACME Protocol

CarstenB. 5 months ago 0

Hello, since Google has announced to shorten the maximum certificate duration to 90 days, it would make sense to introduce support for the ACME protocol.


This is expected to be introduced by the end of 2024.

Manually replacing the certificate takes too much time and is prone to errors. It should therefore be possible to replace the certificate automatically.



Pending Review

Can't figure out how to remove the View menu in the Client-Side chat window

raeo 5 months ago 0

Does anyone know where in the Web or App config we can remove this menu from the chat window? It makes the chat box so tiny, clients have to scroll to figure out what we are saying. 

Screenshot by Lightshot (prnt.sc)

Image 1250

Pending Review

Configuration Grouping

Ken S. 5 months ago 0

I would like to be able to group computers from different companies. 

Example of use case:

We have backup servers deployed for every company, and do a daily check of each backup server. This requires going through each company individually and finding the server to check. With configuration grouping, I could have a section for all backup servers across all companies in one place. I would no longer need to go through each company individually. 

Pending Review

Have Manage Agreements calculate discounts

Michelle Jolly 6 months ago 0

Currently discounts have to be calculated manually & externally. Competitor platforms have this capability built in.

Pending Review

Session Group Filter for Elevation Requests

Justin W. 6 months ago 0

Please add a session filter that allows us to create a session group with only pending elevation requests. 

Pending Review

Add the ability to set session variables in the MSI command line install.

Manders 6 months ago updated 6 months ago 2

It would be helpful to be able to set session variables from the command line MSIEXE. We have over 100 buckets for different companies and would like to set up a policy in our RMM software to install Control to the correct sites. As it is now we would have to build 100+ individual installers and add them to their sites in our RMM. It would be 100+ policies and 100+ installers. This could be one installer with the ability to install on multiple company sessions. 

Pending Review

mfa windows active directory authentication

Patrick Vroonland 6 months ago 0

We are using the Windows Active Directory source for authentication to our ScreenConnect console. However, when we login to the console, there is no MFA required. In the settings of ScreenConnect we can not find the option to activate this. It seems that we can only implement this when creating users directly on the ScreenConnect Server (internal SC users).

We want to have a feature implemented to also have MFA for login when using the Windows Active Directory source login.

Pending Review

Session Based Audit Log

anonymous 6 months ago 0

It would be nice to have the ability to capture session based thumbprints so that you can know who started a session, with who, for how long and was it interactive vs view-only.

Pending Review

favorite list

genevieve demers 6 months ago updated by shawnkhall 6 months ago 1

i have access to 21 screens but only use 5 daily, it would be great to be able to have a favorite list of those 5 screens.