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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Block client operating system agents from connecting to SC server host

JoshQIT 7 months ago 0

Please add a feature to block (temporary/perm) computers checking in to the ScreenConnect server host.  This is useful for potential system compromises, permission or company re-orgs, and other security events. 

Pending Review


mwitmer 7 months ago 0

Allow geoblocking so we can restrict outside the country access to our managed interface and restrict client connections from outside the USA

Pending Review

Sending Files in CW session more quietly

DTD 7 months ago 0

We need to retrieve files from remote computers without the user knowing. All while maintaining security and not giving everyone access to the backstage. Currently when you retrieve files from a device, a big pop up comes up on the screen that someone is trying to retrieve files. We need this feature updated so this does not happen. Again, we cannot give everyone admin access and access to the backstage.

Pending Review

Add privacy mode

Afsar Shaikh 7 months ago 0

There should be a feature in which we provide our client a privacy mode in which no users can access their device like 2 or 3 specific hours a day


Sending Files in the background of ConnectWise session

DTD 7 months ago updated 7 months ago 4

Please add the feature to send files to PC remotely and in the background instead of a big file explorer popping up on the screen which lets all know you are trying to transfer files...update this to allow easy transfers more quietly.


This is possible using the ScreenConnect File Manager in Backstage:
Backstage mode - ConnectWise

Pending Review

Update due date in Service List View via right click

tlenz-mandt 7 months ago 0

Add functionality to right click on a due date on tickets in Service List view to make updates quicker without having to open the ticket (similar to using right click for changing status). Ideally, it would use a datepicker action.


Change the ScreenConnect port for hosted instances.

Magz 7 months ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 7 months ago 1

Currently, the hosted instances listen for connections on port 443. This can cause access issues as quite a few home routers/connections filter on 443 and thus block the connection. Having it on a different port (8443 for example) would help prevent this from happening and allow the connections.

Pending Review

TryLogin should should reply with 403 status code instead of 200 on login failure

Louis-David Perron 7 months ago 0

We want to create a fail2ban rule on our reverse proxy ( haproxy) to limit bruteforce attacks from the wild. Unfortunately, /TryLogin always reply with status code 200, regardless of success or wrong credentials, so we have no way to distinguish between login success and failure.


Pending Review

Connectwise App Access

DTD 7 months ago 0

We cannot have everyone having access to ConnectWise on their phone. Please add permissions to be able to delegate what user have access and what user does not.

Pending Review

Restricting Access in ConnectWise Session

DTD 7 months ago 0

Currently any user can access the black screen feature and all the tabs in the top of a Connectwise Session. 

Please add this to the permissions so we can customize and change who has access to what tabs if any, instead of users being able to see things like who is in the session and system info. This should only be available to admins or designated personnel.