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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Black Screen

DTD 7 months ago 0

If you black screen in Connectwise but use another remote tool to get to the computer, you can see what is behind the black screen. That is a serious vulnerability. Most remote tools like TeamViewer will black the screen for any physical or remote users. Please fix this.

Pending Review

Security alerting on unauthorized access to the Automate or Control Environment

kchaney 7 months ago updated by nathan levandowski 7 months ago 1
Pending Review

Add IP Geolocation data to Notifications and Logs

John Hagan 7 months ago 0

It would be helpful to have IP geolocation data included in notifications and logs. Currently I get an email when someone attempts a login. That message includes the user name and IP address. It would be great if the country of origin was included so we can quickly identify suspicious activity. Similar for audit logs. 

Pending Review

Screen Quality Level

pcheung 7 months ago 0

Is there an option use Screen Quality at 65535 color depth for remote session?

Currently the Medium is set to use 256 and the High quality too slow to be useful at slow connection.

May I suggest to update the Medium color by default to use 65535 instead of 256? Or have a new choice to use 65535  Screen Quality on remote session?

add key="DefaultScreenQualityLevel" value="Medium"

Pending Review

Grant tech permissions to a folder.

walid 7 months ago 0

Grant a tech to have access to a single folder with computers in that folder only.

Pending Review

Warning about ongoing file transfer when closing connection

c g 8 months ago 0


I just lost a rather large file transfer that was almost finished because I closed the connection window by mistake.

It was not a support session but an access session. I connected to the remote system, initiated a file transfer using "Receive files" and then just had the session open waiting for the file. I cleaned up my desktop after about 20 minutes and closed some unused windows, where I also closed the access session, since I wasn't doing anything on that computer.

This caused the file transfer to abort without any warning or error message.

This should be prevented by showing a popup window that ongoing transmissions will be aborted if the connection is closed.

Additionally, I don't see why the connection is aborted at all. Since I was not connected to a support session but an access session and the connection to the remote system is still available after I close the window showing the remote machine, why doesn't the file transfer continue? If it were a support session where I also clicked "delete the session" I would understand why the file transfer is aborted, but not if the connection is still available.

Pending Review

Send Clipboard Keystrokes including shortcut combinations to client

AdamMBM 8 months ago 0

Basically I'd like to be able to have something like:


in my host clipboard and sending it to the client should perform:

"Foo" {CTRL+A} <Foo is highlighted> {CTRL+C} <Foo is in client clipboard> {Alt+Tab} <Swaps to next window> {CTRL+V} <Pastes Foo to the screen> "Bar" 

This would make repetitive data entry and form filling tasks so much easier. Would be better than being limited to only sending one keystroke at a time.

Basically you'd be recreating a basic version of something like AutoHotKey (it wouldn't need to have the full functionality and complexity of AHK just the ability to send multiple keys at the same time.

There may be a benefit to allowing something like
so it holds down ALT and presses TAB 2x between typing FOO and BAR

You may want to include a delay before the next key is pressed to allow the command time to complete - something like

so it Types FOO presses ALT+TAB keeps holding ALT key down and waits 200 ms then presses the second TAB and waits another 200 ms before letting go of ALT waiting a further 400 ms then continues to type BAR

Otherwise maybe reach out to AutoHotKey and see if they are willing to create an extension so AHK scripts could be executed from the host natively without AHK having to be installed on the client as occasionally AHK is disabled by some of our clients Anti-Virus software. However, AHK may be a little too complex for some users.

Also quick question, are all comms sent between client and host encrypted by strong encryption or are they transmitted in plain text.
Including both things run from extensions and built in functions like:
command toolbox (Run Command and Run Tool), Send Credentials to screen, clipboard sync, Send clipboard keystrokes, send/recieve files dialog boxes, update client info and dragging and dropping files etc.

Pending Review

Send notifications based on uninstalls

Ian L-F 8 months ago 0

If a pending uninstall completes, I'd like to see a notification of it.

Pending Review

Apple Vision Pro app supporting multiple remote sessions

Brent Schwartz 8 months ago 0

ScreenConnect for Apple Vision Pro app supporting multiple remote sessions

Pending Review

Clipboard sharing with android device

KevinT 8 months ago 0

The ability to copy usernames and passwords from host PC and paste within Android device would be a very useful tool. This is available in other products like "LogMeIn".