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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Report Manager: Export only currently existing notes

David G 2 years ago 0

We integrated 4000 computers into ConnectWise Control.

(Unattended access to a remote computer by installed ConnectWise Control agent.)

Many of these have multiple notes assigned.

I'm looking for a way to export only the notes that currently exist.

In the Report Manager I can only export notes as "Sesson event" with filter "EventType= 'AddedNote'". But with that I get all the notes ever created.

This information is of no use to me because this report also contains the old notes that no longer exist.

But I need a current report that shows me which notes are assigned to which computer at the current time.

Is there a way to get this info that I don't know yet?

If not, please install in the Report Manager. 


Pending Review

Problem windows 2012 client not start with Screenconnect vs. 22.10.10590.8369

emiliano 2 years ago 0

We have problems starting client on server 2012 after upgrade Screenconnect 22.10.10590.8369 server.

Pending Review

Allow screenshots when using the 'Blank Guest Monitor' option

JamesEN 2 years ago 0

Currently if you try and use screenshot software on the remote PC while the 'Blank Guest Monitor' option is in use then all you get is a black screen with the words ConnectWise. If a remote worker is trying to screenshot something they are doing it is literally impossible. 

Pending Review

Allow screenshots to be copied to shared clipboard

JamesEN 2 years ago 0

When I take a screenshot with the ConnectWise Control session it doesnt copy it to the shared clipboard. Additionally I cant copy any screenshots to the clipboard to use on the remote PC. Please allow images to be copied to the clipboard, I dont understand why this isnt already a feature, almost every other remote access tool I've used allows it.

Pending Review

Dropdown list to show all groups instead of only groups with existing clients

Aldis Behmanis 2 years ago 0

Would be very good to have the drop downs look at Group names rather than Custom Property variables already in use as they do now. It is very confusing when you create machine group but it is not shown in company dropdown menu. Only workaround is to type it by hand for first time.

Pending Review

The embedded MFA signature embedded into the generated QR Code should be unique for each site

OWEN BRUNKER 2 years ago 0

I use Microsoft Authenticator for my MFA configurations.  When presented with a QR Code to scan, there is a text signature identifying the site, and a secret.  The text signature should be unique to the site, allowing for different codes to be generated for each site.


cloud.screenconnect.com is one site

mycompany.screenconnect.com is another site.

I have have attempted to set up a record for each site, only to accidentally lock myself out of cloud.screenconnect.com.

I set up cloud.screenconnect.com first.  I then set up MFA for mycompany.screenconnect.com

Because the signatures used for the two sites are the same, one overwrote the other.  This locked me out of cloud.screenconnect.com.

I don't like the idea of having a common secret between the two sites.  Either site requires its own login with a different password.  It is obvious that the secret for Authenticator should be different too.  So the text signatures between the two sites should also be different.

Thank you.


Session Cannot connect to server

tuansieucap 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 2

After upgrading software last two months, I have seen 3 sessions cannot connect to server. They worked before, nothing changed on our network, no AV or Firewall blocks ScreenConnect client software.

The session keeps trying to connect to server. It retries after 21 seconds. It tries for about 10 times. On our control website, I see the session is green then disconnected. I tried to reset the ScreenConnect service. The session keeps trying to connect to server again but cannot. I tried to reinstall the session, but it did not work. I tried to change IP address. It worked but it did not work after a few hours or days and then it did not work for the new IP address. I changed back to the previous IP address, and it worked. If I reboot the machine, the problem may come back. Our network does not block the IP address because the sessions on more than 30 machines on the same network work. We haven't changed anything on our machines and network.  

I think the issue has happened after I upgraded last a few months ago. Machines worked fine for years. ScreenConnect client on three machines cannot connect recently. 

Here is an event log:

System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
at ScreenConnect.SocketNetworkConnection.Receive(Byte[] buffer)
at ScreenConnect.NetworkConnection.<.ctor>b__0_0(BlockBufferReadStream stream)
at ScreenConnect.BlockBufferReadStream.OnNeedsBufferCycled()
at ScreenConnect.BlockBufferReadStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at ScreenConnect.Extensions.ReadByteDefault(Stream stream)
at ScreenConnect.BlockBufferReadStream.ReadByte()
at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadByte()
at ScreenConnect.MessageSerializer.Deserialize(BinaryReader reader, Type requireBaseClass)
at ScreenConnect.EndPointManager.ReceiveMessage(BinaryReader reader, Type requiredBaseMessageType)
at ScreenConnect.SocketEndPointManager.RunIncomingThread(ThreadSharedState threadSharedState)

Version: 22.8.9717.8313
Executable Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\ScreenConnect Client (98e0da85058f8df5)\ScreenConnect.ClientService.exe


The best option is to contact support:

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Pending Review

Feature parity for linux control.

bryan 2 years ago 0

Using linux as a daily driver here and need feature parity.  The linux client has never been great but as of right now the new "Request elevation feature" has made it so I have 3 or 4 more clicks to authenticate as an admin.  Sometimes Im elevating 20 or 30 times when doing setup on a new computer so imagine my frustration of adding that many more clicks to get back to the point where I can just put in a username and password to elevate.

Pending Review

Remote Diagnostics Tool pull report for all clients

Efe 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0

Remote Diagnostics Toolkit extension is very helpful in allowing to download raw data of software installed on a single machine. Could you make it possible to download the raw data of installed software on all machines, by pulling a report on all (connected) clients? This could help us address issues of a larger scope, company wide. Thank you in advance!

Pending Review

Host Session Without Consent

jbuchanan 2 years ago 0

Would like to have a trigger for use of the "HostSessionWithoutConsent" permission, or add a data key in session trigger JSON output to indicate if a session was hosted with or without consent.