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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Password expiration warning for accounts

mcassio 2 years ago 0

Please add a trigger to send emails to users' accounts when their Connectwise password is about to expire.

Thank you!


New Session Group - Agents that are installed in the last few days

jay 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 2

Add a feature to sort control agents by their install date. I wanted to see which agents were just added to our Control. Would be great to create filters based on the install date so we could see how many agents were added to our control in the past 2, 3, or 7 days.


You can use a session filter for this something like:
FirstEventTime > $1DAYSAGO

any integer will be accepted ie: $7DAYSAGO

Pending Review

force reboot

Rami K 2 years ago 0

Force Reboot/restart button - just like pressing the RESET button , and NOT a normal /safe restart


Latest Connectwise plugin 22.9 warning

jyoti yora 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 3

I am getting compiler warnings in service.ashx file in the Extension Editor ,tried to fix it by following the documents and pasting the links below but seems the document has not been updated according to the ConnectWise Latest version 22.9.

Since We have referred the Code from these two links previously to implement “Symphony SummitAI Integration”which was working before but after Upgradation not able to find the updated code in the below links for resolving these warnings .



Kindly provide me some link or guide where I can refer the latest code changes which needs to be done in order to resolve the warnings in our extension.

Image 1109


Hi Jyoti, 

Please refer to the email we sent yesterday, or your open ticket with Support. 


when building installer, ability to filter by client

aburgess 2 years ago updated by jhardwick 2 years ago 3

When building installer, filter by client.  When you have several "Main Office", it's hard to determine which is the correct client.  Provide the ability to filter down the locations to only one client.

Pending Review

Add webhook to auto-responder extension or add generic webhook extension to replace non-functional Slack/Teams plugins

NateC 2 years ago 0

Since the Slack plugin is no longer available on the extension marketplace, and the old version is now broken in version 22, with no sign that this will be addressed, can we at least get the source code of the old Slack extension and the auto-responder extension so that webhook capability can be added?

All I need is a generic webhook plugin and I can forward messages via webhook to Slack, Discord, or a variety of other platforms, I just would like to not have to reinvent the wheel here since there was already a functional Slack plugin, and the auto-responder plugin has all the functionality except the option to also send a webhook API call instead of an email.

Considering for Future Release

Make group off set work pass 3 drop down

Jean-Francois 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 8

Currently, when the group / sub group drop down, only the first 3 will off set. I would like to have all the group being off set as well like in this picture.

Image 1103


The hierarchy is completely based on the subgroup expression at the top level, which can contain multiple items comma separated. The last subgroup will display aligned when there is a result as it's the final point of evaluation of the expression.
Create session subgroups - ConnectWise

Pending Review

Edit timeline logging for copy/paste

rcooper 2 years ago 0

We'd like the ability to edit timeline logging to show only items copied FROM a remote session or pasted TO a remote session. Currently, any copied item on the local tech computer appears in the timeline if there is an active session, even if not pasted to remote session (and if you DO paste it, that action isn't logged at all).

Pending Review

Email Alerts - Changes To App Server Settings

jbuchanan 2 years ago 0

We would like to have email alerts sent to a mailbox when anyone makes changes to the ConnectWise Control app server settings.

Pending Review

syslog status

jbuchanan 2 years ago 0

Would it be possible to add in a syslog status indicator somewhere in the UI?  We're troubleshooting syslog outputs but don't have a way to verify that the service is running correctly.