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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Limiting Display to Improve Performance

Dax 2 years ago 0

Hi I would like to know how to set limiting display sessions to improve performance.

Image 1125


Image 1124

Under Review

Add ability to remove passwordless administrator account.

Steven Hoyt 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 2

We'd like to keep Access Management but remove the request passwordless administrator account from the login screen.  Admin access is very restricted and allowed only by company admins.  We would, however, like to keep the ability to set up custom rules to allow certain programs, updates, etc. to auto-elevate.

When chatting with support I was told we could disable/uninstall the entire extension.  I asked to be able to remove just this one function and was sent a link to the release document which had no useful information.

Pending Review

Microsoft Edge Sidebar

Martin Watts 2 years ago 0

The new Microsoft Edge Sidebar looks like ti would provide some operational efficiencies to for my team, however launching an access session from it does not appear to launch the native Windows app. It would be pretty cool if this was enabled in some way.


be able to use the "Join with Options" even if more than one machine is selected

westreller 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 5

Image 1117

...and without affecting the performance of the web portal


Since we don't offer the option to multi-select and join, we would not do this. The items that are greyed out indicate that it is not possible to do against more than one machine simultaneously. 


timeline - add computer sleep, shutdown, log in details

rich2323@hotmail com 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

timeline - add computer sleep, shutdown, log-in details


This is not something we will be adding, the purpose of the timeline is simply for events related to ConnectWise Control session events.
(View a session timeline - ConnectWise)


you must have search option on screen connect

Alex Murphy 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

in connectwise screen connect you do not have a client search option, which is very bad, if we want to find a client name with a company wise we have to read every client, please a search open on highlighted 

Image 1115

Pending Review

Control to have Duo prompt show when trying to login

Beh 2 years ago 0

Currently if you have the advanced editor extension installed you can setup duo for 2FA to be prompted and accept the login in the duo app. However on the login page on control when you do enter your credentials and click login the Duo prompt does not show up instead the OTP prompt from control shows. But if you accept the duo access in the app and click login button on OTP prompt you can login. 

Current Duo prompt

this is what it should look like.png


Control windows are closed by itself after about 30 minutes

tuansieucap 2 years ago updated by Sean Keown 2 years ago 2

I open many Control windows and leave them there for about 30 minutes. The windows are closed by themselve. 


Most likely one of the timeout settings need to be adjusted:
Advanced Configuration Editor - ConnectWise

If this document does not help resolve your issue, please contact support:

Pending Review

Force Users to Update ScreenConnect Client

Sean Keown 2 years ago 0

Right now, it's optional for our techs to update their screenconnect client each time a new version comes out or anytime i update wording and or hide a button in the client. 

It would be nice if i could chose to force these users to not be able to connect or start a control session if one of the two policies are not met. 

  • a.) Screenconnect Client out of date. 
    • Make this optional per instance or maybe let the admins set a minimum version that can connect. 
  • b.) When a policy change has been made to the platform. i.e Appearance changes or Buttons Hidden 
    • Example, policy version in the platform was changed to v10 and the agent is running policy version v5 then prevent it from connecting until they match. 
    • Make this optional depending on the admin's requirements or maybe prompt the admin to force require client update when the changes are made. 

This in turn will help ensure users are using the latest policies set in place. 

I can't tell you the number of users that i find are still running a screenconnect client from 2 years ago. 

Pending Review

Restrict a user to create only 1 support session

Nasir Bashir 2 years ago 0


We need to be able to restrict a user to create only 1 session for a meeting or support session. Is this doable.