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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Pop-Out Chat Window

djdyl1998 2 years ago 0

When you are using the chat window when communicating with the user. 

A pop out window for the chat would be extreamly useful. 

This would mean i can keep a consistent communication between the client without having to shuffle threw multiple open tabs to find the user i am speaking with for example.

Pending Review

ConnectWise Control Should sign SAML Requests

kmortensen 2 years ago 0

Initiated from a partner concern where SAML requests are not being signed the service provider (ConnectWise Control).

Pending Review

backstage: remove a program

Peter OTools 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0

This is rather a contribution, I hope this stays here for everybody.

For the time-been this is a tool that might be replaced by another tool created by our awesome CW Team in the future (hopefully). 

I wish it helps whoever work on backstage.

And YES, it is a Feature Request anyway!

I'm not sponsoring it or nothing, I just love it!.

Tiny software you can put in your ToolBox and run it even elevated front or backstage.

It removes software really good and clean after it (residual).

its free ! Get GeekUninstaller.


(I feel like a Youtuber) Vote for me!  xD

Image 1144

Image 1145

Pending Review

Prevent or Warn on Duplicate DisplayNames - Potential Mistake

Sean Keown 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0

We created private buckets for our technicians in control using the following filter. Reading below it indicates that the filter will limit the view based on the current user. host = $USERNAME. This seems safe as no two users have the same username. 

Image 1138

But further down I read that if a display name is filled in that that is used instead. 

I then checked and noticed that we had two or more users with the same name but different username. Since they both had the same name, they were able to see each other's sessions which we thought were private initially. 

Image 1139


I'm asking that there could be some sort of warning or flag in control to prevent duplicate displaynames. Just because partners maybe affected by this in some way but not realize it. For partners that use private groups or use the transfer button for private sessions. This also affects sessions that are made from the ConnectWise SSO portal. Users first and last name need to be unique in that platform too. 

I'm sure some users are aware of this but i wanted to make sure others are aware as well.


Change "Guest" name on unattended access sessions

Will J 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

Can there please be a way to edit and/or automatically set the Guest name on unattended access devices? It would be preferable if this was set to the current user signed into the machine. This will also help with the logging of chat as currently it just shows "Guest" in chat logs. 

While yes, I have seen other feature requests similar to this, and for attended support sessions, users can enter their name... this doesn't appear to be an option for unattended access. It would be great to just autofill to the currently signed-in user on the machine. 

I'm honestly really surprised this hasn't already been implemented.

Image 1134


The Guest Connected will be displayed when a user is logged into the guest machine, in your screenshot, it looks like the guest is not connected. (View general session information - ConnectWise)

The other situation where this would not populate would be if backstage is set as the default when a host connects to the machine. 

If you continue to encounter this issue, please contact our support team for assistance.

Pending Review

Support Portrait mode

Brady Jepson 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 4

Blank screen when attempting to view client screen if the monitor is in portrait mode. unable to find a workaround as of now


This is a report we've had a couple of times and it appears to be related to some specific Intel integrated graphics drivers. Our team is investigating this, so I'd recommend contacting our support team so they can collect any information to aid in diagnosing this.

Contact Support (site.com)



Pending Review

Support for Ubuntu or Debian Linux

luis bo 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

Would be awesome if you support Debian Linux (Ubuntu). Having issues where I need to support a customer and don't want to go to Teamviewer.


We do support Ubuntu, along with many other Linux distros:
Host client requirements - ConnectWise
Guest client requirements - ConnectWise

If you are having issues with these systems, I would suggest working with our support team.
Contact Support (site.com)



Pending Review

Add option to remove grey ribbon at top of screen on Mac AND add a manual zoom percentage

James Fleming 2 years ago 0

Screen Connect. Add option to remove grey ribbon at top of screen on Mac AND add a manual zoom percentage

Pending Review

sessiongroup changes in audit log

Ken DSC 2 years ago 0

I am told that seesiongroup changes (deletions) are not tracked in the audit log. Seems like a big hole. We had a group disappear and there is no way to know who did it.


shared clipboard

amandammarchini 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

Add the ability to have a shared clipboard by default and toggle off as needed, instead of set to off by default.


You can change the default behavior using the Advanced Configuration Editor extension: 

Advanced Configuration Editor - ConnectWise

The specific setting to change is described in that article, but a more visual document is available here:
Clipboard sharing during a remote session - ConnectWise