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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Allow SAML users to be assigned a machine

JamesEN 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 3

I've setup SAML for our users to work and then found you cant assign machines to a SAML/SSO user. How is this basic functionality not possible?

The only way I've found to do this is to create a role for every single user we have then on each of those roles assign them 1 specific session group that has their PC in it. How ludicrous 


Hey there! I think you'll find this document helpful in setting up allowing specific users to connect to only assigned machines:
Remote workforce for external users - ConnectWise

If you have any problems, please contact our support team and they'll be able to assist.

Contact Support (site.com)

Pending Review

Screen Connect Bug -- Only Monitor In Portrait Mode Prevents Seeing Client computer.

anonymous65165+164519781 2 years ago 0

Work around found to block out user view. 

Hopefully this bug gets fix soon.... 

Pending Review

Customized Access Reinstall/Update Executable and/or Path

MyThoughts 2 years ago 0

Currently when Connectwise Control updates an Access Session client or a user initiates an Access Session reinstall the update file is automatically downloaded and stored with the following path and executable name:

C:\Windows\Temp\ScreenConnect\'Version Number'\ScreenConnect.ClientSetup.exe

I think it would be useful to allow customization of both the Temp folder path and the executable name.

In our case we would like to be able to do this for security reasons. We manage many client endpoints that have managed and monitored protection software on them which are configured to actively block any form of remote control excluding our ConnectWise Access client. It can be a pain to allow the update of the ConnectWise Control agent without opening up allowing other potential installation of remote support software. If we could customize the path and name of the executable we would be able to put exclusions on the endpoints to allow only our ConnectWise executable whilst still blocking others, providing at least a little bit more security from potential unauthorized remote connect clients.

Under review

User credential storage for maintenance periods

nate greene 2 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 0


We recently moved to ConnectWise for the Access feature that it included. One feature that seems to be missing over the product we moved away from (LogMeIn Rescue) is password storage for "unattended sessions".

In an unattended session, the user grants access to their machine by entering their username and password which is stored for the duration of the unattended session. Access offers better accessibility to our end user machines, but when I am performing a Windows build upgrade, it is easier to sign in as the user so the profile provisioning process completes before the user goes to use their machine the next day.

The current limitation by Access is that we can capture the credentials and push them UNTIL the computer is rebooted for the build upgrade (e.g. Windows 10 22H2). After the reboot is completed, the credentials will no longer push. If this feature could be improved by allowing for longer storage (such as for maintenance), it would be much appreciated.


Pending Review

Allow ScreenConnector extension to use external user sources

Megan F. 2 years ago 0

The ScreenConnector application currently only supports internally created ConnectWise Control users. Would love to see it opened to externally imported user accounts if possible.


be able to get security codes by text

tjbreaux 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

sometimes it is easiest to get security codes by text and not by email

Considering for Future Release

Dynamic Custom Properties Extension - Update Session Name

NetServicesGroup 2 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

Please update the Dynamic Custom Properties Extension to allow it to update session name.  This feature previously worked in a 3rd party extension that is no longer supported since the database format change.

The idea is to allow the extension to change the session name based querying information from the client session.


   Change the session name to the value of an environment variable set on the Guest machine.


Screen Connect slow with newest versions

Allan Córdoba 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

The Screen Connect version 20.9.680.7530 (in the guest and console) works faster that the version 21.15.6764.8075.

How can fix that issue? 


Please contact Control Support so they can assist in troubleshooting.

Support Services | Partners | ConnectWise


Be able to easily pull out the list of all active computers

informatique 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 3

Thanks! I would suggest working with our support team to assist with the Report.
Support Services | Partners | ConnectWise