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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

build installer granular access

Patrick Hardwick 2 years ago 0

I would like for the build +  installer to restrict itself to a drop down and at the end of the drop down put a create new option so the tech has to manually pick make a new client. Currently techs are typing and we are having duplicate entries with minor differences in spelling. 

Pending Review

Horizontal mouse/trackpad scrolling for remote machines

Joey Eaker 2 years ago 0

In an ideal world, there'd be a possibility to pass through custom mouse/trackpad customizations to remote machines. Currently there doesn't appear that there's a way to pass even basic gestures (like horizontal scrolling) on remote machines. But in an even more ideal world, we'd be able to configure and deploy some custom gestures for zoom to pinch, switching desktops/windows, etc.

Pending Review


J Swick 2 years ago 0

DelayedNotifier.DelayTimeSpanInSeconds - Max Time Allowed is 300 seconds (5 mins), would be great to have the ability to set the Max Time Allowed to something like 3600 seconds (1 hr) since some customers have internet that comes and goes therefore we get multiple emails a day from the same customer over and over as the pop offline, then online, then offline, etc.  Thanks!

Pending Review

Custom Code LogOff

Riordan 2 years ago 0

Setup a Custom Property to Logoff on Disconnect.

We currently have a LockOnDisconnect against certain clients, when a technician closes a session it will lock windows.

We are now looking to see if there is a LogOff option/Custom Code instead.


I would like the option to connect to Backstage without going through the desktop first and then changing the view.

Luis Navarro 2 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

Connecting to the user's desktop directly startles the user.  I would like the option to connect directly to backstage so I can run some cleanup or PowerShell commands.  

Pending Review

Use friendly name when connecting with Control from Automate

Anthony Hart 2 years ago 0

Would like the ability to change the name automate is passing to Control(Screenconnect) for a technician. Control allows for this but if connecting from Automate; it uses your username.

Pending Review

Add DefaultDocumentName to Advanced Config Editor for Cloud Instances

Ryan Yoxthimer 2 years ago 0

I would like to see the ability to modify the default page found under the setting "DefaultDocumentName."

In my on-prem instance I was able to edit web.config to have the default page be Login.aspx, which would default users to the login page.  I'm unable to do that since migrating to the cloud.

Pending Review

Helper User Agent

Malte Bacher 2 years ago 0

Replace the User Agent in Helper (Internet Explorer) with a Chromium-based one.

This would implement the latest web functions

Pending Review

Add operating system/bios install date to the report manager.

Cynthia 2 years ago 0

I would like to be able to have the operating system/bios install date added to the report manager.