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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

deleted notes

El Materi Jaafer 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 3

how can i have the list of deleted notes in the audit?

Pending Review

Backup utility for Connectwise Server backup

sunny 3 years ago 0

We want to take backup of Connectwise control server on daily basis. We need a auto backup utility for that.


Allow an add-on purchase in Control to allow a one to one connection of a user to a specific device.

Mayson 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

Useful for vendor access controlled by company or end user remote control of their own device. Full technician license that could access multiple devices is overkill when the user will only ever need access to one device.

Pending Review

Allow mointors to report on EDFs

matthew whitehouse 3 years ago 0

Give the ability for monitors to check for EDFs and alert accordingly.

Pending Review

ability to use Variables within Session Names

Christian Walch 3 years ago 0

create the ability to use existing variables also within Session Names.

so variables can be used within the Session Filter and also for the name - this should make it easier for different filters an subfliters

Image 985

Pending Review

database disk error 21.13.5058.7951

aodinfo 3 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

i have probleme 21.13.5058.7951 on login on web host error appears DATABASE DISK ERROR the server web no working guest connection ok , for me technical to acces on my guest via web host is freeze or indicate (Database error disk) if stop service and start service of screenconnect host all work again on the day samething appears error no possible to login to my guest ????? excuse me my bad english ( my language french) 

Pending Review

Ignore VPN adapters for MAC addresses

Derek Howard 3 years ago 0


The MAC address as shown in Control for a given guest machine should not be obtained from VPN adapters. I think it makes more sense for these adapters to be ignored. Perhaps the page could display all MAC addresses instead of just one, and administrators could blacklist certain MACs?

Right now, I have 33 machines all showing up with the MAC address 00:05:9A:3C:7A:00, which means they were most recently connected to Control while connected to our Cisco AnyConnect VPN.

Pending Review

Export information from "Device Type" field in csv format for all computers

IT Support 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 0

Pleas provide info how to export information from "Device Type" field in csv format for all computers


screen connect / unsubscribe

Jack Rockwell 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 4
Pending Review

Application config changes per location/site

tgiddings 3 years ago 0

There are different customers in an MSP model that will need different control settings as policies and governance determine the acceptable display. For example, Customer A needs explicit approval and other specific items for HIPAA policies. While customer B is a call center that needs local admins to be able to shadow and take action without the user's direct approval.