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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Application config changes per location/site

tgiddings 3 years ago 0

There are different customers in an MSP model that will need different control settings as policies and governance determine the acceptable display. For example, Customer A needs explicit approval and other specific items for HIPAA policies. While customer B is a call center that needs local admins to be able to shadow and take action without the user's direct approval. 

Pending Review

Modify time out policies by session group/client site

jcox 3 years ago 0

We are an msp with over 400+ client sites in continuum who recently made the jump to screen connect.  Given that many clients, there is a need to modify items like input time out policies per site instead of 1 setting globally.  It would be nice to see the "advance" tab under admin adjustable per site

Pending Review

apple agent audio

DS123 3 years ago 0

Need the ability to listen to remote apple device speakers through the agent like we can with windows devices.


Allow Idle Disconnect time to be set lower than 3600 seconds.

RevolveIT 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 3

I recently discovered that the minimum time you can set for Input Idle Disconnect Time Seconds is 1 hour (3600 seconds).   This is not mentioned when you change the setting, nor does it prevent you adding lower times.  It simply ignores the time you enter and fails to disconnect an idle session.

Please fix this and allow lower times - for people that use this solely for remote support purposes, there is no need to have the default idle timeout to be 1 hour.  Realistically, there  is no need to have an arbitrary minimum time - leave it to us to decide what we want.

Pending Review

Add a Session Group that shows only duplicate machines.

ShaunB 3 years ago updated by Peter OTools 1 year ago 2

We reimage machines all the time and those come up with 2 entries.  We need a sort to filter that out so we can delete the duplicates proactively.  


how do i turn the speakers on?

info 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1
Pending Review

Ability to populate fields based on remote host properties

Alex_G 3 years ago 0

I would like the ability have fields auto populate based on the values from the remote host. Host name is an already an option when defining the saved access host but would be great to enable that on a custom field. Ideally, I'd be able to assign a custom short hand name to define the computer and then assign a custom field that autopopulates the host name. I relize i could do the reverse of this but the defined\bolded name is easier to find in a hurry. 

If this feature was enabled, it would be great to include additional options like. 

  • Hostname of the device.
  • IP Address(es) of device
  • Serial Number of device
  • Username of last user to login (or username who installed the client).  
Pending Review

Remove the unnecessary scrollbars in the Java client

af7567 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 0

When using the Java client on a single screen Linux machine to connect to a Guest PC with multiple monitors, I will select the 75% zoom option so that I can still read everything and just have to scroll left and right to see the other screen. This makes it easier to work sometimes than selecting 1 monitor or the other.

My problem is that the up/down scrollbar will always be shown even though there is plenty of screen space in that direction to set the Java client window to be a big enough size. If I resize the window height after setting the 75% zoom then ConnectWise Control will just rescale the guest display so that it is small enough to fit (and too small to read).

If the Java window height is set a few pixels taller when selecting the 75% (or whatever) zoom level then the vertical scrollbar wouldn't be necessary. I assume the height is chosen to fit the guest desktop height at 75% but the extra space used by the horizontal scrollbar isn't taken into consideration.

Pending Review

User and Device Assignment Management NEEDED!!

DNutting 3 years ago 0

I have a few clients setup with an Access account, and the lack of any Assignment Mgmt is a glaring oversight. What we need is a clear picture of:

1. WHO is assigned to WHAT client computers (User AA has access to machines 12, 14, 32; user AB has 12, 18)

2. Client computers are assigned to which Users (same in reverse, machine 12 is assigned to users AA, AB and CC)

3. MANAGEMENT of that information, the ability to EDIT (fix accidental assignment or need to change assignments)

It seems a tab in the Admin section like 'Assignment Management' would be brilliant.

I saw a similar request from TWO YEARS AGO. Seriously, this should have been included from the beginning. We need this ASAP. Please get this implemented.


Disable Backstage Per User

BIS Techs 3 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

As an MSP who uses this product for multiple clients, we were concerned to realize that our clients setup with users to work remotely also have the ability to backstage into their machine. Now usually this is not an issue as they do not notice and mess with that setting, but we noticed a user recently who figured it out and although nothing was done inside of the session, is highly alarming to us that the only option currently is to either allow it for all users globally or turning on consent (which seems to be quite buggy) for all users which we also do not want as we use backstage as techs often and already have a gazillion MFA measures such as logging into ScreenConnect accounts. Is this something ConnectWise is already working on? It seems like quite the security risk with how it is setup now.


We will be releasing an updated permission specifically for Backstage in early q4. Currently to disable the Backstage feature, remove the SwitchLogonSession permission from a user's role.
