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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Print list of computers

kandrovich 3 years ago 0

Be able to easily print a list of the computers by company

Pending Review

Enhanced reporting on Computer Chassis

Brady Williams 3 years ago 0

We use Lenovo products and I'm unable to pull a report based on Chassis Version or Chassis Family (both give model number for the Lenovo hardware)
I'm unable to create a report for our devices based on Model in our environment.

Pending Review

Unread messages control.

maxtai531 3 years ago 0

Would like to be able to control how long these messages are retained, or only be removed manually so we don't miss end user messages as the disappear. 


Control Backstage Limitations

Terry Phillips 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

While using Control Backstage the powershell and command prompt windows will not allow us to scroll up or down.  Can you please fix that so we can run something like systeminfo and then be able to scroll up to see the information we are looking for?

Pending Review

Multi Server session with Tab view for easy switch of session between servers.

MD Iftekhar Alam 3 years ago 0

I am always connected to 5 to 10 servers at a time and need to switch between servers. 

There is no shortcut to switch from one server to another unless we click on taskbar and look on the server names carefully.

I would like to request a feature where we will have multiple servers connected at a same time and there will be a tab with list of connected servers and i can just click on server name and switch the session to the same. 

Under Review

Android OS added to supported clients

Garry B 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1
Pending Review

Please add Trusted IP per spesific IP Address will not be ask for 2FA for internal Organization

shlomi 3 years ago 0

Please add Trusted IP per spesific IP Address will not be ask for 2FA for internal Organization

Pending Review

Printing Remotely - Log Me In Function

Brandon Billy 3 years ago 0

We have used Log Me In in the past, and are attempting to utilize ConnectWise Screen Capture, although there is a function that is pertinent for us to have. 

When attempting to print remotely to the printer of the remoter, you have to select the printer, from the options on the list. For example I have 26 printers as I have 26 locations, and a printer I can print to from each location. So when I log into screen connect, all 26 of my printers show up in that list. (First this is very cumbersome, when attempting to print to my local Default Printer.) But that's not all. 

We have a Point of Sale (POS) program that will print to the default printer, without the option to change where it prints. With Log Me In, When the person remotes in, it automatically sets their default printer. To the Default on the computer, so when I run a report with Log Me In, it prints on the computer beside me. 

With Connect Wise, When I run the same report, it prints to the local store. Not the printer beside me. 

*Yes I understand I could change the default printer, and print. But then I'd have to change it back every time I run that report, and since its a function with Log Me In. I end up using Log Me In instead of Connect Wise for this report. BTW I run the report every day, for all 13 stores.*

Pending Review

Please add chat notification (audible/badge) to IOS Iphone app

NM_JP 3 years ago 0

self explanatory ... would be a nice add to the app 

Pending Review

Please modify the chat interface so the remote access control user cannot accidentally enter chat text in to the guest chat box

NM_JP 3 years ago 0

Its way too confusing when your connected to a host session and you are chatting with the guest user... which box to enter chat text... it cant be just me that almost always accidentally enters my chat into the guest chat box.  Its one thing that the guest doesn't see or ack the chat initiation but the ability to accidentally enter text into wrong box seems like a bigger issue.