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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Lock screen on connect only if consent timer runs out - Access

Lee 3 years ago 0

Currently there's an option to always lock the screen when connecting to a session in Access. 

It would be handy to determine if the screen should lock based on the consent prompt timing out. 

To Delineate:  

The screen should lock if the consent timer runs out and the agent should connect anyways. 

The screen should NOT lock when the consent is given and the agent should connect as normal

and the Agent should NOT connect if the consent is denied. 

Currently, there's not a combination of settings that allow this behavior. 

Pending Review

add a feature request to be able to manually shutdown the cloud server Instance.

Aaron Williams 3 years ago 0

in case of being hacked in some way and severing all connection to the cloud server instance.

Pending Review

Add ability to automate installation of agent when joining device to Azure AD

pvelazquez 3 years ago 0

Add ability to automate installation of agent for unattended access when joining device to Azure AD.

Pending Review

Backstage - Ability to receive files / create receive folder

PCs: Soup to Nuts Inc. 3 years ago 0
Pending Review

clipboard copy multiple hosts names highlighted

HLA 3 years ago 0

be able to retrieve the names of currently selected hosts from the clipboard

Pending Review

Lenovo Remote Control Functionality

Ryan C. 3 years ago 0


I'd like to request additional functionality when it comes to Lenovo tablets. Just found out that they only support screen sharing and *not* any control ability while running Android 10.

Pending Review

Accessibility Issue with Guest Session Starter

Michael Ziminski 3 years ago 0

Hi there,

I'm the main IT guy for an organization that aids those who have visual impairments. I was testing my instance for accessibility and came across a pretty big bug that will affect the clients we serve. It has to do with the "Guest Session Starter". When I use my screen reader to test for accessibility, I use the TAB key to move between different links and buttons. When I get to the link/button to start a new session on my instance page, inside the guest session starter page my screen reader says "number link". Which means that the link is not accessible and our clients won't know what it says. If I press enter or space to activate that link, it does open the page for the client to start a new session.

The link text should be more descriptive than "number link". It should say "click here to start a new session". While it says "Start a new session" right on the page, this is only helpful for those who can see. For those who can't, "number link" means absolutely nothing.

How can this be fixed?

Pending Review

I was locked out of connectwise and its been like 3 hours I can log in again

rowena 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1
Pending Review

IT Glue Configuration Items integration or import

Steve Bootes 3 years ago 0

We'd really like to be able to either export or link all of the device information in Control with IT Glue.  We have device names, IP address and now we also have information such as model and serial number thanks to a PowerShell script - lots of great data about the devices.  Ideally we'd like to get this information out of Control and into IT Glue as a Configuration Item, simiilar to the way it integrates RMM systems to get device information.

Pending Review

View all users in the Sell Dashboard

cynthia bezzina 3 years ago 0

Would like to be able to see all users in the Sell Dashboard, rather than just single user.

This would be useful for internal reporting.