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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

portal access for multiple CW accounts with one email address

Don K 3 years ago 0

A user can only access one CW account in the cloud portal with his email address.

If he has more than one CW account it would be nice to log in and select which account to access rather that creating a new email address to access each account.

Pending Review

Create new log in session in control

ian 3 years ago 0

Hi Control Developers,

I frequently need to create a new session when I open a control connection.

Often I cannot log into another users session to do what I need, so it would be great to have a 'start new session' button.

This might be the equivalent of 'switch user' to provide a username and password so I can log in without interrupting the already logged in user.

This frequently happens for me on terminal servers.

Many thanks,

Pending Review

Report to pull session groups

Bric Browning 3 years ago 0

Report to pull a list of all the session groups created.

Pending Review

Disconnect notification on mac whenever agent logged out.

Orionnetworkssolution 3 years ago 0

Hi connectsWise,

I want to get your attention to the most important feature. However, it is missing in ConnectWise control whenever an agent connects to a Mac computer using the ScreeConnect remote application chat window  appears rightaway with the notification that the agent has connected. It gives an idea to the PC user that the agent has connected to the computer.

However, the same not go when the agent disconnect from the user's computer user has no idea that weather Agent is disconnected or still working when screen is ideal because there is no notification or messages shows that the agent has disconnected, and even chat windows also not disappears, which happens on windows pc.

This issue is particularly regarding Mac computer, please check on this and do needful.



Pending Review

disable OTP

Hrishi 3 years ago 0

i am trying to generate report as a csv file and when I call the url, it wont generate till i provide otp.. i want to automate this process of report.

I am using a curl command to download csv file 


I would like to either create a user which does not require OTP or a feature where I can call to generate the reports. 

Pending Review

Third Option for naming computers

matt 3 years ago updated by jhardwick 3 years ago 3

Can we click on edit, then all, then where it says 'use machine name, and specific value for machine name', can we have third option to insert the org name before the machine name? This would help identify machines quicker. Rather than PC1, PC2, it would be ORGx3x-PC1, ORGd56-PC2, etc....

Pending Review

Feature in Report Manager

Dont Spam Me! 3 years ago 0

When doing a report type "SessionConnection" in Report Manager, with Group Fields

  • SessionName
  • ParticipantName
  • ConnectedTime
  • DisconnectedTime
  • DurationSeconds 

and filter

  • ProcessType = 'Host' AND SessionSessionType = 'Access' 

it provides me with everything but the Notes.

The report type "SessionEvent" with a filter of

  • EventType= 'AddedNote' 


  • SessionName
  • Time
  • Data 

provides me with the Notes, but unfortunately separately.

It would be great if the was a way to combine the two within one report.

Pending Review

Add Restart Control Cloud Instance to Control Cloud Admin

Stevn Bartley 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

When migrating from On-Prem to Cloud for Control, there is an instruction page for the process:


In this document, step #4 instructs that you need to Restart your cloud instance to complete the migration process.  For partners that have integrated Automate or Command with Control, there is no ability to follow the default instruction given where you are supposed to use the https://cloud.screenconnect.com to change your server location and save so that the system will restart the cloud instance.  There is a small green Tip bar at the bottom of step #4 (should be at top and much bigger) that says if you can't do the change location method, then you can use the Advanced Configuration Editor or the Database page etc......

Suggestion/Request is that it would be much simpler for partners, if at Step #4, it simply had you sign into your Cloud instance of Control and go to Admin where you had an option to "Restart Control Cloud Instance" and if that option would simply restart the necessary components to ensure that your migration worked and completes the process.

Pending Review

Preview Screen refresh distribution

Ken DeVee 3 years ago 0

Update the Preview Screen refresh cycle to not update all online agents at the same time.  Complete this update in smaller batches to not impact the performance of the server.

Pending Review

More detailed permissions for session (scoped)

Adam Coven 3 years ago 0

Really need more permission parameters for sessions. 

>Deny/Allow use of Clipboard tab/shared clipboard setting during session

>Deny/Allow use of Screen Capture tab during session

>Deny RunCommandOutsideSession but allow use but not editing of commands from Command Toolbox entries.

This will allow guest fairly secure access to their "office" machines from remote locations but limits data captures from screen caps/clipboard. It also allows hosts to grant a single/handful of admin-level commands they can run on their machines, via the Command Toolbox, but no more. So, a user could reboot their machine but nothing else, for example.