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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Appearance set by group

CFarr 3 years ago 0 1 duplicate

We would like all Appearance settings to be group compatible rather than being set globally. This would allow us to change what the end users see depending on where they are located or who they are. I am not referring to app.config and Web.config just to be clear this is a separate topic. I would love for those to be compatible via group as well, however. 

Example: Some users are setup with a 30 second consent timer and 0 second consent timer (Creating explicit consent)
Instructions on the user end would appear different for both groups. FYI we use automate to apply different app.config settings on machines based on group. This could definitely be simplified by including group settings in control of course. 

Pending Review

Would like a password manager app/extension added

jdetty 3 years ago 0
Pending Review

Multiple Agents

Mike Randles 3 years ago 0

Would like to have the ability to run multiple agents on a single computer.  Several sites have their own IT department running their own version of the agent and monitoring items.  We as an MSP also have custom scripts, monitoring and reporting but can't run two agents side by side on a single computer.  I had started a case but was told to put in a feature request as this is currently not supported.

thank you


Add ability to see active users to show up when they are using remote desktop to access their PC.

Alan Chang 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2
Pending Review

Please add "Install ScreenConnect Client" button during remote control

Son Nguyen Brock 3 years ago updated by Sean Keown 3 years ago 3

What I currently have to do is File Transfer an MSI file and then install.  Would be nice to be able to do it with one button!


Would love to have an Agent Configuration that can be installed on Chrome OS

Big E 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

We are considering using ChromeBooks for a portion of our workforce that need computers on a temporary basis.  They are supplied with Computers from the Client but that can occasionally take months.  We wish to save some costs by using a less expensive laptop like a Chromebook since most work by these employees can be done in office 365.  But we need a way to administrate those Chromebooks. 

Pending Review

Need the ability for threat hunting and compliance to pull our portal logs via a secure API into our SIEM. Using standard json log format would be best if possible. Ticket:14722732

Brian1111 3 years ago 0

Need the ability for threat hunting and compliance to pull our portal logs via a secure API into our SIEM. Using standard json log format would be best if possible.

Pending Review

Create an application to run control through API

Ian L-F 3 years ago 0

Anyone have a basic direction to go for me to create a webpage that would be able to call the Control API to run commands from the command box?  Basically a way for users to run scripts without having access to Control.

Pending Review

Add the abiility to use GRC.com SQRL as a secure way to login.

kris 3 years ago 0

Use GRC.com SQRL (Secure Quick Reliable Login) to securely login in to screen connect.

More info can be found here: https://www.grc.com/sqrl/sqrl.htm

Pending Review

Freshdesk connection for unattended access

Glenn 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

Initiating Connectwise support on-demand from Freshdesk was the reason we switched to Connectwise. This is a vital feature in our support, especially in tracking our call progress. Some support calls are accessed via the unattended access, which we loss the connection details associated with the connection. It would be great to be able to initiate the unattended access session from Freshdesk and have the session details imported back into the Freshdesk ticket.