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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

CPU % and DiSK Utilization added to Processes Tab

dks itservices 3 years ago 0

The Processes tab currently lists the Memory %. Would like CPU % and Disk % added as well along with the ability to sort the processes by these 3 columns. Basically like how Task Manager in Windows works.

Pending Review

Extended System Info for devices

dkstech 3 years ago 0

Would like additional system information added to the General tab such as storage devices capacity and Free %, list of all Mac Addresses and IP addresses of devices with multiple network adapters, device serial number or service tag, operating system version, and any other system info that can be extracted from the device when added to instance.

Pending Review

Customize EventIDs in Application Log

cvitale 3 years ago 0

All events in the application log on Windows machines from ScreenConnect have EventID 0. I would like to be able to customize these or at least have different eventIDs for different types of events. If there were different EventIDs for connect or disconnect sessions, then it would be easier to filter out those events for security logging.

Pending Review

software - would be nice to see software under Program Files (x86)

connie sarvis 3 years ago 0

When viewing software, Program Files show but not the x86.  

Pending Review

Abiity to pass variable parameters to the agent installer, including envrionment variables

pcformance 3 years ago 0

This would allow us to set the company using the info from our RMM

Pending Review

Slide the remote screen above the mobile on screen keyboard

Genecent 3 years ago 1 1 duplicate

As I moved from LogMeIn to ScreenConnect, I am used to not having the keyboard block the screen, this is a bit of trouble for me. I saw a forum post from others requesting the ability to slide the screen beyond the current limits so the keyboard can stay on the screen while at the same time allowing access to the whole remote desktop.

Here is possibly a better description:

When controlling a client from a Mobile device (such as a smart phone),
if you bring up the on screen keyboard, it will cover the lower part of
the client's screen. You cannot scroll the bottom of the view window to
be above the on screen keyboard and thus you are stuck toggling the
keyboard on and off when typing on the client's computer if the window
is below the on screen keyboard. Is it possible to detect the
keyboard and allow the ability to move the client's screen higher up
within reason?

Pending Review

Allow grouping for hostnames (dynamic ip for network which is tied to simmilar service as dyndns)

Michal Gut [PL] 3 years ago 0

Some of my customers have dynamic ip for their networks. I can filter those who have static (filter group by network address). But if its dynamic i cant group them. Ofcourse i can add "company" name but quite often computers migrate between branches and i need to know quickly where is it.

It could be done by service like dyndns or no-ip and filter by hostname OR

find computers where computerIP like specifiedserverid_or_ip.

Servers usually doesnt move and finding current network name based on name of specific machine would be ok. Server could be found by for instance servername+specific description in name or other field. Maybe their ID?

Currently i manually find server of specific branch and copy network ip address and pasting it to search box. Effective (thanks to great search box) but annoying when there is a need to switching between branches.

Pending Review

Add 'Session Group' name to audit logs

Silvo 3 years ago 0

Currently the audit logs only display the session computer name, this means that when you have multiple clients with the same computer or server name it is impossible to identify who the machine belongs to.

The audit logs need an extra column to display either the 'Company' field or the session group name.

Pending Review

A windows command or a shortcut to allow the Control Guest Control application launch.

Ian L-F 3 years ago 0

In a situation where the icon is hidden from the system tray yet some maintenance/troubleshooting needs to be done by the system admin when they are physically in front of the computer, having a way to manually launch the Guest Client would be fantastic

Pending Review

Hide "Join with a code" on the guest portal.

Mathias 3 years ago 0

I have the "Start a new session" extention installed and would like to have the option to hide "Join with a code".