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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Remote Workforce Client for Mac

Ian L-F 4 years ago 0

It would be nice to have a remote workforce client app option for the Mac.

Pending Review

Allow custom hostnames & hostname variable in Control

Ian L-F 4 years ago 0

It would be nice if you could append device hostnames to custom device names so with a device thats hostname is Bobs_Office you'd have something like $HOSTNAME$ + "LTOP" and your device name would read Bobs_Office LTOP

Pending Review

Better user password management

Ian L-F 4 years ago 0

It would be a neat feature to be able to reset user's passwords and then send out an email to that user to prompt them to reset to login and then reset directly from the admin panel.

Pending Review

An uninstall option to remove the software from the client and remove device from portal.

j catlin@nmscolo org 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

when retiring devices it would be wonderful to have an option that uninstalls the client and ends the device session in the portal.  

Pending Review

Mac ScreenConnect Client needs to capture Command + Q

Ian L-F 4 years ago 0

When using the ScreenConnect client on a Mac to remote access a Mac, you folks need to figure out a way to pass through Command + Q rather than having it quite your Client.

Pending Review

Screenconnect prompt for password is currently a cross role permission, I would like it so that I could be a member of 2 different roles with different settings and those separate settings apply to the separate device groups that I have created

john 4 years ago 0

Screenconnect prompt for password is currently a cross role permission, I would like it so that I could be a member of 2 different roles with different settings and those separate settings apply to the separate device groups that I have created

Pending Review

Please log CopiedText events

Simon 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0

I saw on the Audit page that there is a filter for "CopiedText" events, so I tried it but I was given zero results.

This was odd, because I know my users copy texts all the time while remoting.

So I did some digging and found this documentation page which states that the CopiedText event is "Currently not in use"!

I'd like these events to be logged, so that I can audit which users copied what text.

Pending Review

Installing Screenconnect on IGEL thin client

tjd0327 4 years ago 0

I am looking to install Screenconnect onto an IGEL thin client. The way it works is a config file calls out to a tar.bz2 file. The problem is when you build an installer there is no option to build it as this file type. Is it possible to have this done? Has anyone been able to successfully convert a .deb file to .tar.bz2?

Thank you.

Pending Review

Add hour variables to conditions in IIF

Ian L-F 4 years ago 0

Rather than simply having variables such as $NOW and $1DAYSAGO, it woudl be helpful to have access to things like $5HOURSAGO, etc.

Pending Review

Guest device search filter not working for non admin users /users not having access to all machine folder

suresh 4 years ago 0

Guest device search filter not working for non-admin users /users not having access to all machine folder.

when we have a large number of users and groups, this is becoming complex as a user must know the correct folder name to search a device, this works only for admin users having access to all machines