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  • If you can't find a request for an item you need, create your own request. Provide as many details as you can, especially regarding possible use cases.


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Hi Rguasp,

Please install Advanced Configuration Editor extension from the MarketPlace to hide Control icon from the guest system tray. If you already using this extension, please make sure you have the latest version.


Pending Review

App Settings Auto Sync

Tim-BL 3 years ago 0

The settings in Control Administration should be pushed automatically to endpoints.  Settings, such as lock on disconnect is off by default, but should be on.  Putting that aside, activating it requires a reinstall of the Control tool to all endpoints.  This is something that should happen automatically, it's a settings update and shouldn't need a reinstall.  Please consider automating this process and/or putting clear text which settings require reinstall and which ones do not.  

Pending Review

Cisco Duo for Admin Account

KP5150 3 years ago 0

We are required to adhere to CMMC Level 3 controls and while it's great that normal users can now be authenticated with DUO as their 2FA, the ConnectWise Control Admin account is still using email or SMS.  That leaves a huge hole in our security per the controls.

Pending Review

Add an option to get a log of each computers someone logged to

charlex alexandre 3 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

I rely a lot of the timeline to clock my time when billing customers and I find it cumbersome to have to manually scroll through all the PCs to find out which ones i connected to and for how long If there could be a log of all the PCs I connected to in the last hour/day/week etc that would be great !

Pending Review

Manage per user "Essentials" options

ibonavia 3 years ago 0

I would like the ability to manage all the Essential options that individual users have access to. In example removing a particular users ability to blank out the guest monitors. 

Pending Review

client that sends connection requests

Perry 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

We are both an MSP and a computer repair store.  We find a lot of issues with helping older people start remote connections.  It would be nice if we could install some sort of client on the user PC that did not allow unattended access, but allowed them to click on it to send a connection request to us.

Because the client would include the remote software, and would auto-update, all they would have to do is click on an icon on their start menu or on the desktop to request help from us.  And because there is no unattended access (and no ability to add unattended access), it would be secure for the user.

We could then install this software for everyone who we help, and it would help with repeat customers, because it would have a popup to email us, a listing of our phone number, and an option to click to request a remote support session.


Hi Perry,

Thank you for raising Feature Request with us.

Please install 'Guest Initiated Chat' extension which will allow your clients to click on it to send a connection request. They can also chat with you using the same.


As you have mentioned older people have difficulty starting the remote session. You might want to try 'Guest Download Assistant' extension from MarketPlace.

Hope this helps !!

Pending Review

File transfer pop-up suppression

Ian L-F 4 years ago 0

I'd like to see the ability to transfer a file to an agent in Control with the file pop-up being suppressed.  Maybe on a transfer-by-transfer basis this can be an option

Pending Review

add cloud.screenconnect.com to company.screenconnect.com/Administration view

lyeoman 4 years ago 0

add cloud.screenconnect.com to company.screenconnect.com/Administration view

Pending Review

Android combination keystrokes

Steve Dealy 4 years ago 0

We use a keyboard lock app on our remote client PCs (they are watching cameras & don't need to mess things up).  The Keyboard UN-LOCK requires sending the key combo of [ CTRL + ALT + f ].   At this point I don't see how we can use CONTROL on Android if I can't configure a SEND KEY COMBO of some sort.   Ideas?   Feature Request?

Pending Review

Embed control feature into third party app (iOS and Android)

John Casta 4 years ago 0

A feature request our company would like to see is for the control feature on iOS and Android to be embedded within a third party app, whether that be using the native functionality or through some sort of webview. 

We currently have our own app that launches the control app when a user would like to connect to their machine. Apple has recently rejected our current version due to our app not having the control feature self contained within our own app. 

Adding the ability to embed the control feature in a different app would help our company get passed this roadblock.