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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Per User Session Timeouts

scremote 4 years ago 0

Surprised that this has not been worked in by now but there is only a sever-wide option (on premise cwc) to control a session's maximum time before disconnecting. Looking to have this also be available on a per user basis.

The server-wide default is great - and should remain - but to have the granularity to further control session attribute per user would be very useful.

Pending Review

Need a way to enable access to interconnected PCs one their own network. Only the main PC is on the Internet

Basil 4 years ago 0

We have some installations where an acting "Server PC", (Win 10) is connected to the Internet with ConnectWise Control on it, but connected to that "Server PC" are a few "Client PCs" through a network switch without access to the Internet. We need a way to login to those "Client PCs" via the "Server PC" that has ConnectWise Control on it. We tried using RDP but unfortunately that logs you into a different session and not the session that a user is currently logged in.

Pending Review

ChromeOS Managed Schema for Enterprise Policy Settings

iturner 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

Please add Managed Schema settings for the ChromeOS extension so I can set the unattended URL from Google Workplace admin console.


Pending Review

Ability to Change Default opening group in Control

JayH 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

Currently, when entering Control it always Expands All Machines Group but would like to open to a different Sessions Group I have created.


Hi JayH,

Move to top to change the default opening group. Please click below link and follow the steps:

Pending Review

Fix issue that has been open for YEARS

Zach Thomerson 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0

Before adding new features, maybe fix issues that have been open for YEARS


Pending Review

Link to Release Notes on Overview Page

Cazi 4 years ago 0

On the Connectwise Control > Admin > Overview page, for the Version Check section it would be useful to have a link to the release notes. This would allow us to quickly see what changes are in the new/current versions.

Pending Review

Option to change Host Pass Timer from on Link Generation to on Link Open

James Penland 4 years ago 0

We are using the host pass feature to create an on demand virtual machine "checkout program" for our sales staff in conjunction with Microsoft Bookings.  We have tested the created host pass links and the timer starts when they are created, making issuing the host passes out a manual process at the requested time slot.  If the link timer started when the recipient clicked on the link to begin the session, we could schedule emails with the link and automate the process a little more.

Pending Review

file syncing

Derek Eisenberg 4 years ago 0 1 duplicate

Ability to make a folder on the local and remote machines match. I actually maintain a logmein account because you do not have this feature. I constantly want to have a work folder on my home and office machines in sync. Every night I sync the two with Log Me In. I wish I could cancel that account and do it with Connectwise Control.

Pending Review

iPadOS - Save Default Preference

Express 4 years ago 0

Need to be able to set default preferences like, Trackpad, how long a session will stay connected if you swipe away to use other apps link Notes, Safari, Email, etc.

Pending Review

ScreenConnector working with SSO

agreenspan 4 years ago 0

ScreenConnector app is no longer working once we enabled SSO. We get an error of "Unknown Login Error"

I was told by a support agent that it will not work and it is expected behavior.

Will this be fixed in the near future?