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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Assign login session for remote workforce

md 4 years ago 0

Add feature to be able to assign login session/windows user for shared windows server with remote workforce extension

Pending Review

Add a filter to subgroup expressions at separate levels

Ian L-F 4 years ago 0

Sub groups will pull all machines into one category or another at all levels, but there are some cases where you may want to filter out sets of machines to not appear on a certain subgroup level, instead of the whole session group as the current session group filter does. Having this adjusted for different levels of each subgroup expression would be ideal.

Pending Review

Unable to connect to on premis Screenconnect Host server

Colin C 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

We have recently updated to version 20.13.1905.7657 and now we are unable to connect from our client pc's by logging in via our in house portal, this only affects some clients PC's. The PC;'s are running Chrome and Mozzilla and internet explorer, none of them appears to run the login script on sign on.


Hi Colin,

We're sorry to hear about the issue you are experiencing. Please reach out to our Support team for further investigation.

Pending Review

BlankMonitorMessageFormat text to Wrap on Mac Computers

BBComputing 4 years ago 0

On Windows computers the text added to the variable "BlankMonitorMessageFormat" wraps on the screen appropriately. On Mac computers, this doesn't currently happen, and it shows the middle of the line. The left and right of it would be 'off screen'.  Using <br> or \n doesn't help, since it shows the text verbatim on the screen.

This feature is totally useless on Mac computers unless you only add a few words to "BlankMonitorMessageFormat". 

Pending Review

Apple agent

David Smucker 4 years ago 0

I wish there was an agent for Apple Ipads, and Iphones.  So many of our users struggle with getting corporate apps working on their phones, I wish I could remote onto them to assist.

Pending Review

Unlimited session token/idle

michael ta hsu 4 years ago 0

Talked with several reps to get this done. 

No one really had a definite idea how to do this.

Some said to set it to "0".

Some said to set it to an arbitrary # like "64440"

I'd suggest have a setting where the user either can check off "disable" or to allow the user to set it to "0" to disable.

Pending Review

downloadable list of offline sites in a report

Stephen Webb 4 years ago updated by Erez Mimran JET 3 months ago 1

like in the access machine status on the dashboard, be able to download which ones are offline/online & add notes to keep track of them.

Pending Review

Apply profiles of client-install features to individual clients

Ian L-F 4 years ago 0

I'd like to be able to generate and apply profiles that would contain the settings found in Admin -> Advanced -> Web Config to select clients.  For example, I have linux clients that don't respond to the wake command properly and generate an error.  It would be fantastic to be able to select certain features that only applied to certain installs,

Pending Review

Please introduce a list of the default assignments of the first 4 custom property items early in the documentation.

nobotusa 4 years ago 0

Please introduce a list of the default assignments of the first 4 custom property items early in the documentation. I caught on to how they are used quickly, just couldn't find how they had been assigned. At least one was in the examples, but I had to go to ConnectWise U, "Add custom properties to sessions" to find the default assignments spelled out.  A table with that might help future newbies be more productive, keep them from wasting time looking for those values.

Pending Review

ConnectWise Access - Generate Multiple Guest Host Passes with multiple computers on a session group.

nruminga 4 years ago 0

Right now, we have to click each computers the generate a guest host pass. It'd be faster if we click all computers on a session group to be able to generate guest host passes in 1 go for each computers.