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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Resize elements of session windows when moving from high resolution monitor to lower resolution monitor

Sam Segura 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0

Most apps and programs will "resize" their elements of a window when moving from a high resolution monitor (e.g. 3840x2160 set to 175% text size) to a lower resolution monitor (e.g. 1920x1200 at 100% text size).  This so that windows do not look bulky and mis-shaped.   The session program does not do this.

Image 847

Dell T3610
Windows 10 Pro build 2004 19041.630
Xeon E5-2650v2
AMD FirePro V5900

Pending Review

Prompt Before Reboot Machine - Espcially Safe Mode

pchristian 4 years ago 0

Please put in some sort of confirmation prompt before performing a reboot of a machine.

*Especially* when hitting the rebooting to safe mode option.

And extra, extra, extra, exxxttrraaaa especially when connecting via the mobile app. Or at least rebooting to safe mode when no user is logged in or the console is locked.

I do probably 99% of my remote support using the mobile app ( iPhone). I'm actually super efficient at it. I almost never turned my laptop on anymore, and even use a cloud VDI to run apps that I can't run directly from my phone for non-support purposes. Pretty happy with Connect overall, and how to facilitates my ability to do this.

 However, I've been burned by accidentally hitting "safe mode" under the reboot and reconnect option a few times.

Enough times (maybe 3-4 times over 3 years) to make it annoying enough for me to put in this request.

This last time was a server of mine, an EC2 instance,  hosted on AWS. So not only could I never physically touch the server, there also isn't any console access through their hosting platform.

I realize that the theory is that the machine's going to reboot into safe mode with networking. After which the control agent will come online again, and you can reboot back into normal mode from there. 

However, that's not guaranteed. At least one of the times I've accidentally hit reboot into safe mode, the agent never came back online. 

Thankfully in that case I had the client physically reboot it. And thankfully in the case of my EC2 instance, rebooting through the AWS management console brought it back into normal mode. But regardless, there needs to be at least one extra "are you sure??!?" before things actually reboot.


Pending Review

Alphabetize Toobox on Mac

kamal 4 years ago 0

The shared and personal toolbox items don't sort alphabetically like they do on the Windows client.  This is especially frustrating when we have more than a few folders and/or items.

Pending Review

Move 'Join with Options' to the top or second position on the right click / more menu

Yan Perepletchikov 4 years ago 0

99% of what I use Connectwise for is to remote into a PC, or remote into a PC Backstage.   When you moved Join with Options to the bottom it made the software less intuitive for my team.  Can you move it back to the top.

Pending Review

logged on user is not shown or searchable

andreas bonner 4 years ago 0

We search devices in connectwise control with function "search-by-user-shortname".

For example: my samAccountName-user in Active Directory is "bnan". When i type this string into search, i find every device i'm currently logged on. But at about 30-40% of our devices this field isn't filled even thought the user is currently logged on. Is this a bug or is there another situation, this can happen?

Image 836

Pending Review

Trigger Alert when All Guests are disconnected

Derm 4 years ago 0

It would be super helpful for the Triggers to allow an event filter for GuestConnectedCount = 0 the entire server not just a session.  The scenario is this, I recently found out that my server was still running and operating properly, yet all agents were disconnected.  I was hoping I could put a trigger in place for an email and/or http call to alert our ticketing system of this major "event."

There are certainly other events that may be worth triggering like HostConnectedCount > x or GuestConnectedCount > y to allow you to monitor the server.  Even better may be a trigger that runs every 10 minutes and makes an http call and sends something like Server.GuestConnectedCount or Server.HostConnectedCount for a monitoring system.


Pending Review

Single user revoke or untrust

Len McCaw 4 years ago 0

Has to be a better way than All Users or Nothing to revoke or "un-trust" a single user's PC.


Push default application to all devices

tgransbury 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

Looking to move all devices from Google Chrome to Mozilla Firefox simultaneously instead of touching each device 1-by-1. Or move a proprietary application from an older to a new version on all devices simultaneously.


Hi Tgransbury,

For the above request, please write a script and deploy it from the Toolbox to get the expected result.

Under Review

Export Machine List to csv

Peyton Wray 4 years ago updated by Peter Groman 3 years ago 5

It would be handy to have the ability to export the list of Machines that are connected through Access, so we can see Names, Serial Numbers, Operating Systems, and so on within a csv file.


Peyton, thank you for raising a feature request with us. Please install 'Report Manager' extension from "Browse Extension Marketplace". To know more about the extension please click below link:

Also, select Report Type as 'Session' to get all the required fields and then select Run Options to download the CSV file.

Pending Review

keycloak with ConnectWise Control(Screenconnect)

Sx3 4 years ago 0

Anyone configured keycloak SSO with ConnectWise Control(Screenconnect) ?

any guides ?...thanks