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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Global Notepad for frequently run command

Smucker 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

Presently the notepad feature keeps a history for each access client.  However I wish there was a global notepad where i could store frequently run command and power shell script strings. 


Hi Smucker, 

Thank you for raising this feature request with us. You can use "Toolbox" feature to store all the scripts and run them directly from there.


Create Script via Web Client

Marc Macdonald 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

We would like a feature adding for Customers to be able to create their own scripts via the web client (they can currently only run), which would only have permission to what they can already view.


Hi Marc,

Thank you for reaching out to us. When you say customers is it the 'Host'? If yes, then they can install personal toolbox to their instances. For more information please go through the below link:

For guest users, we do not have such provision yet.

Pending Review

Support touch input devices on Windows

Lee Willis 4 years ago 0

I would like to be able to use Windows 10 touch screen gestures, and have them sent from a Windows client (with a touch screen) to a Windows remote host.  

Pending Review

being able to remote remote control message per group

Mark Grell 4 years ago 0

I would like to turn the message of remote control off per a session group

Pending Review

Simple scriptable monitoring

Kris Kahn 4 years ago updated by Alex Heylin 4 years ago 1

I would like the ability to have simple monitoring triggers, like putting endpoints into a remediation group for manual action when a patch (possibly by a specific search pattern) pending installation is detected.

The challenge with MS Intune it cannot detect when the endpoint process gets stuck and it reflects No KBs Pending, even though ConnectWise Control will be able to see a batch of patches pending installation. So I'd like to leverage that strength to get around the weakness with MS Intune/ATP. 

Pending Review

Ability to change Remote Workforce role name

Matthew Held 4 years ago 0

A quick request to give us the ability to change the Remote Workforce role name. In particular the role currently has a space in it which is unsupported in the Azure AD's manifest (See 3. in this link https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Get_started/Administration_page/Security_page/User_sources/SAML_single_sign-on/Set_up_SAML_with_Azure). If we could rename it to Remote_Workforce we'd be able to map guests to use their Azure AD/Office 365 credentials to access Remote Workforce capabilities.

Pending Review

Integration and Synchronization of 3rd party products

Jason Goode 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0


We use various products that do advertise synchronization with Connectwise, however they don't really synchronize the most effective way.

For example, we use Proofpoint.  While the vendor does advertise syncing with Connectwise, it will not actually update a current addition for each client.  What the sync will do instead will add a new addition line for each month we sync.  So what will happen is over the course of several months, or years, we'll have stacked up a large number of additions with start and end dates for every month.

This is different compared to Office365 licensing that we purchase through Pax8.  These products actually can update the specific addition which is a huge time saver.

Other products that cannot sync correctly are OpenDNS and Azure.

Whate I've heard is that its not an issue with their products. They say that the product designation by Connectwise dictates the product to be a One-Time, not a recurring.  They cannot change this as this is from Connectwise.

Can this be fixed?  Would save me hours of audit time.

Thank you


Pause Sessions

Kevin H 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 2

For example, let's say I send someone a link to connect towards the end of the day, but the customer never clicks on it.  I want to leave for the day but I don't want the customer to connect if I'm gone and maybe they don't see my email saying I'm leaving for the day.  However the next day I want to be able to just tell them to use the same link.  So ideally I'd like to keep the same session but make it so that they can't join but then be able to make it so that they can join at a later time.


Thanks for reaching out to us Kevin. Please try following: create a trigger to send an email to yourself that someone has connected to the support session. You could also use the Auto Respond to Message extension to send a message if no host is connected.

Pending Review

Right click links

Roderick 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

I would like the ability to right-click on every link and open it in a new tab.


Hi Roderick,

Is it ConnectWise Control you are referring to? If yes, please provide us more details around this request.

Pending Review

Machine Preview image - made available for external web sites.

mpool 4 years ago 0

Allowing us to embed/link the updating preview image into our own website or client dashboard.  This enables us to embed preview image into our own portal and crm for quicker response without needing to go from one system to the other.