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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Automatically check SafeBoot registry keys on every start

DDD 4 years ago 0

According to Documentation, it can happen that the registry key that allows the ConnectWise Control service to start in Safe Mode with Networking, can be removed by Windows 10 update process.

A workaround by reinstalling the access client (or re-adding the registry keys) is mentioned.

The problem here is that this issue becomes evident only AFTER you reboot to Safe Mode and notice the client hasn't connected. In that case, the machine has to be restarted locally.

Since it is not clearly evident whether/when the registry keys have been removed by updating Windows, the only reliable way to prevent this issue from occurring would be to reinstall clients immediately upon updating/upgrading Windows each time.

I suggest a check to be added into the access client itself to check and possibly fix the missing registry keys at each start.

Pending Review

Create/Upload Knowledge Base

Candice 4 years ago 0

I have been trying to find a way to upload my support department's knowledge base of issues and fixes for the tax software we support. I just got off of a chat with Ryan Dittmar who says that is not currently a feature. Having a feature like this would improve our call resolution times if the knowledge base was built in to ConnectWise Control just like the web search feature.

Pending Review

2FA / DUO / AD Auth / Use security group instead of tagging Description field

Duc 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 1

Any way CW Control can use security group to enable 2FA/DUO?  With the current Control implementation, all host users are required to have tag [duo:username] embedded in their AD Description field which does not work well in our environment.  Alternatively, I don't mind enforcing 2FA for ALL host users by default, without messing with the AD description attribute.


Windows 10 PIN for Credentials

LouisJJames 4 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 years ago 2

Windows 10 now allows the use of "PINS" instead of Passwords.  Which is entirely a pain but it is what it is.  ScreenConnect (Control) will let you store a password but not a PIN.  How can we have "unattended" access if we can't store the PIN.  I realize that a simple workaround is to add a user with a password but you would think that we could get better.  

I would request EITHER a way to setup the PIN in the credentials OR a way to easily add a "username/password" for screenconnect.  I know I can go into the users and groups and add it but that presents other issues.  

Here's hoping!

Pending Review

Reporting - More than One client on the same report

Anke 4 years ago 0

Pulling a simple report like Patch Stats Summary and having the option to add more than one client.

This would help with a lot of reports, specially patching, AV, or certain software installed on machines.

Pending Review

Create Session Group that filters other Session Groups

Jacob K 4 years ago 0

What I mean by that is the following. I want a Session Group that specifically contains all Guest Machines that belong to a user.

I have a Session Group called "All US Machines by OS" and a Session group called "US Servers".

I would like to create a SG that simply displays everything from the former, excluding all from the latter.

I thought I'd be able to do something like this with NOT $OTHEROR but I'm having trouble working out how that variable functions.

I'd also add a clause for [AND name NOT like "*test*"], but that should be simple enough once I figure out the first part.

Pending Review

Option to Close Both Screens After Splitting

js0873 4 years ago 0

When splitting screens with the 3 triple arrows, I'd like a way to close both of them at the same time if I want to.

Pending Review

being able to send to multiple email addresses to receive the OTP

Sovann 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1