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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Allow for local development again

William Hilsum 4 years ago updated by Simon 4 years ago 1

I'm very unhappy that development functionality has been removed from Screenconnect/Control.

When it was Screenconnect, one of the major selling points was customisation. 

I've added a few different little extensions that have worked for years on my instance. I upgraded due to the security issues alongside a MAC bug and now they aren't working.

ConnectWise's stance located here https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Developers/Extension_development_guide - is good/makes sense for distribution to others, but, I think this is a huge step backwards for people who want to develop internal tools/integrations.

I don't want my extensions to have to go through review, nor do I want to wait days for approval.

So, I'm not asking for a new feature, I'm asking that you please roll back, or at least allow people the ability to create their own extensions locally without having to go through review.

Pending Review

uninstall program from multiple computers simultaneously

lkelsey 4 years ago updated by MilesM 4 years ago 1

Would like to use remote diagnostics toolkit to remove a program from multiple machines simultaneously.

Pending Review

Customize Control instance on Chrome app

Brian Chase 4 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 4 years ago 0

PLEASE consider allowing the ability to use a customize app to set the control instance in Chrome devises.  We are a K-12 and it is next to impossible to get some of our kids to properly type in the control instance URL correctly for us to help them.  In our VMWare Horizon View app we are able to install a helper app that has the location of the connection server, could you please look at doing this for your app as well?

Under Review

Suppress Session List Display Until Depth Level Reached in Session Group

Dimitri Rodis 4 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

I have a Session Group (several in fact) that, at their top (or "root") level, there are over 1000 sessions to display, and when you click on that Session Group it takes awhile to load the session list at every level of the subgroups.

It would be a great performance enhancement if when a session group is defined, that you can choose to suppress the list of sessions until a particular subgroup-level of the session group is reached.

Here is an example:

Session Group: "All Machines"

Subgroup Expression: CustomProperty3, CustomProperty1, CustomProperty2

So, the root node of the session group "All Machines" can be known as level "0"

The first level subgroup (where the distinct values of CustomProperty3 are displayed) can be known as level "1"

The second level subgroup (where the distinct values of CustomProperty1 are displayed) can be known as level "2"

The third level subgroup (where the distinct values of CustomProperty2 are displayed) can be known as level "3"

It would be nice and helpful if, in the definition of the session group there is simply an input that accepts a integer value that defaults to 0, but can be altered to correspond to the level at which you wish the session group list to actually be displayed. Let's call this value SuppressSessionListDisplayLevel and label the GUI element as "Suppress Session List Display Until Level ____"

Suppose CustomProperty1=CompanyName. CustomProperty1 is used as a second level subgroup in the above example session group. By setting SuppressSessionListDisplayLevel to 2, the session list will not be populated at all until a second level subgroup is clicked under that specific session group.

This would make the GUI much faster for many users who do not use the root level to look for sessions to administer or connect to because unnecessarily large queries to the database will be suppressed in favor of more specific smaller queries that will populate the session list when the sublevel groups are reached

Pending Review

Is there a way to have the connected time from the Guest added automatically for each day?

mcd 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1


I want to know if there is a way to get all the times the Guest connected automatically added as a total for each daya?

Under Review

Request for Scheduled Unattended Installs for Offline Devices

Edanner 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

I would like to know if ScreenConnect (or an extension) have the capability of either scheduling or queuing an installer for an offline device & once it's back online it could silently complete that install. 

Also a scheduled queue could be great for online devices as well (for after hours mass installations) 

Under Review

Limit license use by group

David P 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

I would like to be able to take one my licenses and assign it to a group of computers. Then I can setup a user that has access to that group. The user can only use the one licenses and no more. They will only have access to that group and no more.


Option for Automatic Activation of Remote Printing

Sean B. Craig 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 2 years ago 3

I've already confirmed with support that this isn't possible.  I have clients who prefer AnyDesk or GoToMyPC over your product BECAUSE they don't require that you activate the remote printing option!  With ScreenConnect, this feature works ONLY if the user chooses to activate the remote printing, which you have to do EVERY time you have a new session.  Leave the button as you have it, but allow an option for the user to have some way to have it enable automatically for all sessions.  Most users who need remote printing will need it most of the time so they don't want to have to always enable it.  I do realize that by always having it enabled, it may slow things down slightly (for collecting printer info I assume), but let's at least put some control into the user so they can have that as a preference.  If you're printing quite often, it should be available for every session - without requiring the user to activate it when they know they want to print.


Re-Use Guest support session Installer for repeated support sessions

Forrest 4 years ago updated by Sean White 4 years ago 1

When you have a customer that you provide multiple support sessions to, ConnectWise Control will download a new installer for every new session to the guest computer.

Proposed feature: use/install a utility on the computer that will re-use the ConnectWise Control client for future support (not access) sessions with only the first support session that gets started.

Every time we do remote support it's a challenge for a lot of our clients to get the app opened. For tech-savvy people it's super easy, but for the less inclined, clicking the downloaded file seems to allude them. We support the same clients very regularly, so we might connect to the same person several times in a week. If they're not tech-savvy, remoting in is a hassle every time. We don't want access agents installed because it causes our access pages to be cluttered and, more importantly, is a security risk for our clients that we definitely wouldn't want to impose. We don't want perpetual access to our client's machines. Trust issues, etc. We end every support session after we are done.

Another side effect of this, though I don't care about this as much, is that the client now has a bunch of our downloaded clients sitting in their downloads folder. That also frustrates them. They don't understand why we have to clutter their computer.

We use Zoom for training sometimes and use remote support on zoom often as well, and we're considering just using zoom for remote support from now on (even though it's not nearly as robust as connectwise) because it's so much easier for customers to connect; they just click the link, download the first time (only the first time and only once ever) and voila, we're in the zoom meeting and can request control. No extra downloads for multiple support sessions,

What seems confusing to me is that ConnectWise actually does a similar thing that zoom does, but for us as support agents/hosts, not for the guests. You definitely have the capability to do it. Seems like there should be a setting somewhere I could turn on to enable re-use of the previous install.

Before it's mentioned, I also understand that App.config changes wouldn't be updated if we were to use the same sessions repeatedly, but that really isn't that big a deal. We could setup auto-update for these sessions, so when the guest connects next time they'll just auto-update to the latest app config. Or we could just train our support staff to update any sessions that are older versions. Besides, we update app configs twice a year; we download remote support sessions 100s of times a week.

Sean White 4 years ago

Hi Forrest, 

We actually have an extension that can be used as you describe:


The user will have to enter their name and email address, but we are registering a change request to make the email field optional.

Pending Review

EndSession permission for "My Sessions" should carry over to agent created sessions in "All Sesssions"

RylosGato 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0

I would like to request that if you have "EndSession" permissions set for a group under "My Sessions" that this carry over to their own sessions under "All Sessions" or add another permission setting "EndOwnSessions" under "All Sessions". It's a gripe every one of my agents have had since upgrading to the latter 20.x releases. They were able to end their own sessions before, but now they have to click the "My Sessions" tab, or connect to the session again, close it, and select the "end session" button from the prompt.