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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

ChromeOS client saves default URL

Dean Edwards 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Please make it so there is an option to save a default URL for the ChromeOS application.  

Pending Review

When client device connect as guest, there is no way to set the ORGANIZATION

manuel 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

The guest usually falls into the DEFAULT grouping when trying to remote into a mobile device.

Could the ability to add "organization" name be set on the client application so they can jump directly into that group type. 

Pending Review

Employees with minimal admin rights

mhodson 6 years ago 0

you want them to be able to create users, but not Admin users


How do I enter Credit Card info so ConnectWise can update my account annually?

DianeOffutt 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

How do I enter Credit Card info so ConnectWise can update my account annually?

Under Review

Add Authenication to Change the location of automatic video recordings to network share

Matt Klaus 6 years ago updated by Michael Legato (Support) 6 years ago 4

Would like to pass authentication for network share when setting location of Automatic Video Recording.  Such as NAS device or Share to control access of files. 

Under Review

Add Security Field for Last Logged On for Host Accounts

Mike 6 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

I'd like to be able to audit Host Accounts created for clients and see which ones are no longer in use. Being able to see when a host account was last logged in, if ever, would allow me to remove users who never used their account, or haven't in a really long time.

Pending Review

Auto Consent Countdown - GUI Linux & MacOS

Fraser Patterson 6 years ago 0

Linux and MacOS do not support the Consent Time Out option, requiring a technician on site to manually accept the prompt. This causes problems on systems that do not generally require user interaction.

Linux systems that show information, such as dashboards or Trello boards are inaccessible through Connectwise. This can cause delays with technicians accessing computers, and having to escalate to a different team.


session group note

guaasamo 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

add a textbox labeled Note to the session group creation/edit dialog


We already include the functionality to add/remove a note from a session. To include a note for a session group, or even just several sessions at once, check the boxes for those sessions and select "add note" in the rightmost panel. 



quick add button to create a support, meeting or access session

BrianNOLA 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Instead of having to click into each area (Support, Meeting or Access) to create a session, why not have a generic "Add" or "+ sign" button that would list all 3 for you to choose from.

Also, making it to where it doesn't exit you out of the current group you are in to create these sessions would be ideal.

Right click option on the Support, Meeting or Access button that gives a drop down of options, one of which would be to "add" a session - would be nice too.

Under Review

Frequently accessed computers list

BrianNOLA 6 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 5 years ago 2

On the left nav bar, under the Support, Meeting, and Access icons, it would be nice for a "Frequent" icon that would allow the user to customize what they see in this list.

We have over 100 groups and the majority of them certain users do not need to see (but should be able to get to them if needed) so it takes a long time to scroll down, 50 times a day, to get to the group or computer you need.

The "Frequent" button would have custom groups/computers per ScreenConnect user to help reduce the time consuming scrolling.