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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Alphabetical Quick-Link to go to A -Z

Quesys Kim 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 4

Very simple request, would facilitate the navigation in the Groups pane

- Move the Computers Count to the left, next to the name of the Group
- Add Alphabetical Shortcuts on the right hand side
- Make it work just as it does on a mobile device : Click the letter send you to the Groups starting with the letter clicked

Image 339

Pending Review

Windows Store App Xbox compatible

Hank Anderson 6 years ago 0

now that Xbox supports mouse and keyboard how about making the Windows Store Control app xbox compatible?

this way work only has minimal impact on cod...

Pending Review

Videos: Get all training/HowTo Videos together in one place

Peter OTools 6 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 6 years ago 1

This request is only for Forum/Site where to find easily Training/'How to' videos for Connectwise Control.

If I go to Youtube, videos are more about Social Media than training (it's ok anyway), but those seems mixed all together.

It would be awesome to have all educative videos in just one place, easy for user to find, and time-saving for your company Support. Also, please see the way to feed all forum and web site with links pointing to its related video location.

"image worth a thousand words"



Thank you for your request. We created the ConnectWise Control Video Library in documentation for educational videos. We organized the videos here to be a bit easier for partners to find. 

I will pass on your YouTube request to our Marketing team. Thank you.

Pending Review

request session from agent

rnauert 6 years ago 0

With the host page changing due to CSS scripts, we are unable to launch a host page session for users that have restricted browsers access.  If end user needing help could launch a need help session from their agent in taskbar, that would allow access for those that don't have access to Edge, Chrome, Safari or Firefox.


Deleting Users

CSFi 6 years ago updated by Katarina 5 years ago 5

With the current way the GUI displays the User Table I can only see 3 characters of the user name field so when I select someone to delete it should come back with the full user name in the 'Are you sure you want to delete this user' dialog box so I can confirm that I am deleting the correct user.

Pending Review

Improved logging for saml sign on

Alex Hart 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

Success and failure attempts for SAML login should be logged, along with submitted parameters like groups. This will provide not only needed security auditing options, but also help in troubleshooting submitted data for the case of user login issues and/or initial configuration with SAML provider. 

Pending Review

To be Able to run a Tool on Several Devices without Locking Out Access to the ToolBox

mhighsmith 6 years ago 0

Currently when we run a tool on 100+ systems the toolbox does not load on a new connection until the process has completed.This can take several minutes until the toolbox is available on a device. This can cause delays with support.

Pending Review

sort by host connect or guest connected

awaggoner 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

It would be nice if you filtered by host - guest or both connected that it would put those selections at the top of the list rather than just checking a box and having to scroll thru your machine list looking for the check boxes 

Pending Review

Create session group that filters guest operating system as 32-bit and 64-bit

JLT 6 years ago 0
Considering for Future Release

Retain ChromeOS app access mode

Dean Edwards 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Please make the ChromOS app retain access mode so it continues to work even after the ChromeOS device has rebooted.