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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Clipboard sync text blacklist

Russell 6 years ago 0

Allow administrators to specify one or more text strings that are blacklisted from being synchronized to clipboards (think sensitive passwords). This could be cryptographically secured by only storing strong message digests of the entered strings, and never storing their plaintext (even for administrators to see). Admittedly, this may be a bit impractical to implement.

Considering for Future Release

Support for 64-bit OTP

Nick Cheung 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 4
Under Review

Better accounting system

data 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

I need to know in minutes how long and when a user is connected. Now is just shows the times of connect and disconnect. Try to get that into amount of time!

Considering for Future Release

Uncheck All option when a command has been chosen

Stewart Buckland 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

Well here's my tale of woe and I think it's probably not the first time it's caught out a user.

New version of ConnectWise to be updated. Logged in and under All Machines clicked ALL to select all units. Clicked REINSTALL and one by one they went through the upgrade. 

Found one unit that was no longer in service to right-clicked on it and selected END. To my horror it didn't just end that single install but ALL of our installs. *Cue much panic*. 

Managed to roll-back to a snapshot to recover the install data but each unit is offline until the service restarts or the system reboots (not easy as many are headless servers).

So my request is that once an "action" (reinstall, end etc) has been chosen all check mark selections are reset to blank to prevent it applying the next chosen action to all those same systems. 

Added to this I think the End & End/Uninstall options should have an extra prompt to check whether you REALLY want to perform this action. 

Under Review

URL launch app user.config settings location change

bigdessert 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

When launching sessions as a host using the urllaunch app installed on the PC the user.config settings XML file is stored in C:\programdata\ScreenConnect Client(thumbprint) folder. This is fine for most cases however if using on a terminal server or a shared PC where multiple users log in then the users all share that same settings file. 

Currently the workaround is to force ClickOnce use that way the settings are stored on a per user basis. Please consider changing how the client application stores the user.config setting.

Under Review

SSL SNI support

James Angi 6 years ago updated by Sean White 6 years ago 1

It would be nice to support SNI which allows you to share a single IP on a Windows/IIS install with multiple websites/certificates, all bound to a specific hostname.  This would be better than the current "piggyback" support which requires a site and URL suffix.

Under Review

Sort options for Subgroup Expressions

Xyvir 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 4

Currently subgroup expressions are sorted alphanumerically by default and there isn't anyway to change this. Is it possible to have an option to reverse these results so they appear descending instead of ascending? Or maybe even other methods like sort-by-date format? (American notated dates don't always sort nicely when sorted numerically) Just let me know, thanks!


"Join a Remote Support Session" on support page looks broken, ticket #s don't work

ResolveIT_Flunky 6 years ago updated by jen davis 1 year ago 5


When you enter an expired ticket number below "Join a Remote Support Session" on this page, the arrow to accept your number stays greyed out.  It just appears the web page isn't working; having an indicator on why the arrow stays greyed out would lead to less frustration, i.e. checking in 4 different browsers on 2 different PCs.  :)

anonymous 6 years ago


The following message,"To join a session, please contact support to obtain a ticket number", is under the input field.  

Pending Review

The ability to change the user password question attribute for Windows Active Directory 2 factor authentication

mike potgoreanu 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 5

It'd be nice to be able to change the field the Password Question is tied to in Active Directory. We use the Description attribute for other purposes so we'd like to use a different attribute field.

Under Review

Lock client's keyboard/mouse to a single overlay window which doesn't affect the hosts remote control

John123 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

I'll try to explain desired behavior.

Among many clients I have some where id rather lock keyboard and mouse for them since they are fumbling around the desk and make small touches to mouse (by mistake or simply when some starts cleaning their desk during remote session) which interrupts my workflow.

And that function already exists to lock the keyboard/mouse but to further improve on it..

What if there was an option we could set as default (if desired) that does the following (check picture to get a better idea of the concept but ignore the actual graphics/design) 

  • Host makes connection to client PC (as usual)
  • Client are greeted with an overlay window with company logo and a text with "your PC is now busy during this session blabla".
  • Also put a chat window in this overlay window and a disconnect button with additional confirmation in case *ahem "misclicks", with the rest of the background being blurred (just so client still can se fragments of their desktop).
  • The keyboard and mouse from client should be locked onto the overlay window so client still can communicate with host through chat and not affect/disturb actual desktop which the hosts is now controlling.

Image 289

Hope its not too confusing, it just sounded like a good idea in my head but im also aware that it might be hard to accomplish and make it work/look good. Otherwise I hope it can spark other ideas :)