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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Logoff guest button

BrianNOLA 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Add a button similar to the "Boot to Safe Mode" and "Boot Normally" to log off currently logged in Windows user.

Under Review

Magnification Tool

Mike M. 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

We have a user how is visually impaired. The zoom feature is helpful but then requires a lot of scrolling.  A magnifier that would allow a user to select and then move around to magnify just a section would be helpful.

Pending Review

License step between free and one

Marc Last 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Hello CW, 

First I would like to thank Support/Sales Agents Francis, Larry and Summer on the live chat for their time, friendly attitude and clear communication.

I was wondering why there is not a small entry-level license (i'll just call it QS for now) for just the quick-Support feature of screen connect. Without unattended access and other features. just purely the remote support om demand. and not even offer branding possibilities. So it also helps CW reach more businesses in terms of free-marketing.

For example ( in similar style to the pricing page)


1 user can make 1 connection

(up to 5 users)

5$ per month (paid annually)
7,50$ per month (paid monthly)

Package includes

1 Session Limit

File transfer

Remote Toolbox

Remote Support

It would but much easier to convince my manager ( and probably other companies) to invest in a license for CW-Control ( ScreenConnect ) at an entry-level of 5$ per user.

I really enjoy the support feature of the free CW control license and I feel safe to say that it is the best (free) support tool I've used, and I am certain that there would be many more Support Desks interested in a very good / low cost support tool.

I hope that you can share my enthusiasm for this idea.



Pending Review

Set default annotation color

Simon 6 years ago 0

I'd like to have the ability to set a default color for the annotation tool which, in my case, is red. This way, I won't have to keep on regenerating the color until I get red.

That's not to say I want the regeneration function disabled. I'd still need this function to use multiple colors when annotating, but I'd like the first color always to be red.

Under Review

Ability to add failover url for server check in like automate ex control.yoururl.com | control2.yoururl.com

swhitehouse 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

Ability to add failover url for server check in like automate ex control.yoururl.com | control2.yoururl.com. Currently if there is an isp failure our automate can check into the second url with the fqdn|fqdn in our agent template; Control needs this as well for redundancy option.

Considering for Future Release

removing apple or android app download icon at the landing page

bsl2 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

When we reached to the login page, then at the bottom of the page we can see "Apple and Goolge play icon to download the apps". And we would like to remove those icons from there so that the landing \ login page will be clean.

Pending Review

Use FQDN for machine names

Dan Brook 6 years ago updated by Michael Legato (Support) 6 years ago 1

Where the are duplicate computer/machine names (ie DC01, DC02, etc) on different domains it would be useful if the names diplayes on Control used the FQDN where available. This would allow differentiation at a glance.

Pending Review

Report or counter that shows amount of Groups

angel 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

It would be great to be able to see how many groups I have created. I am trying to get a Server count, which one goes into each group along with other terminals, but I cannot get an exact count unless I go down the list and count one by one. The Terminal count is great so something similar for the individual groups would be fantastic.


Hello World.

Admin Connectwise 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1


Pending Review

Android file transfer

ralph hayse 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

It would nice to be able to transfer a file while remoted into an Android.
