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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


End a meeting that was created without joining first

Michael Francis 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 5

When permissions are configured for a host to only end their own meeting, and they create a meeting, the host must join the meeting at least once before the ownership flag seems to attach to it.

This is confusing for a host that accidentally create a meeting and want to get rid of it since normal support sessions don't exhibit this functionality. (Especially since it still will show up in the 'My Meetings' section.)

If we can make this act the same as a session and when a host creates a meeting, the ownership permission immediately gets assigned so they can end without having to join the meeting once it would be awesome.


mac blank guest screen

Adam Connor 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 7

currently I can only blank the screen of a Windows guest, which is not very useful as I am a Mac specialist. Would like the ability for the function


'blank guest monitor'

to work on Mac guests please


administratively close a host connection that is holding onto a license.

thegreatgouldini 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

Close a host connection where the connection is inactive or the host computer is inaccessible and is holding onto a license.

Michael Bannerman 8 years ago

There is an option in the 5.6 release to boot hosts from a session from the host page: https://help.screenconnect.com/ScreenConnect_5.6_Release_Notes#Disconnect_Session_Participants_from_the_Host_Page. 5.6 is available as a pre-release for Cloud and On Prem.


Prevent screen connect pop up on all Mac OS X versions

techguy2016 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

This is something we really need for ScreenConnect. We'd like the ability to surpress pop ups informing users that agents have connected to their machine for remote administration purposes.

anonymous 8 years ago


In 6.1, we've added support for ShowBalloonOnConnect to be disabled via the app.config file for the Java client. 6.1 beta release will be available this month.


To be able to change the view order of SessionProperty.Custom*

mhighsmith 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 3

As we have added details to the SessionProperty.Custom(1-8) we would like to be able to change the order that the (1-8) show up so that the data is better organized.


Provide a way to invite a "Guest Host" to a session

Michael Francis 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

It would be great if I could invite a guest who doesn't have a permanent account, to be able to join a session as another host.

The scenario is when I am supporting an end user and I may need to bring in a manufacture or additional support vendor into the mix. With the link or temp login credentials I give them, they can provide the same level of functionality support.

If I could create a one-time use link or login on the fly that this person could only access the active session I request them to join, it would allow me to provide this functionality. These accounts should give full access as if they were a host, however, they are limited in that they couldn't add more guest hosts or modify\end the session. It would be tied to the actual host that the session is owned, in a limited way.

Maybe another option along with that is after they disconnect, the account can be setup to never work again or give the option to allow to reconnect as long as that session remains active.

There are only two ways that I kind of do this today: 1. Use the meeting function, but doesn't provide the proper environment from a support perspective. 2. Create a vendor/guest account, but restrict all their permissions down to nothing. This is not easily and would require additional management and can't be done on the fly.

anonymous 8 years ago

Hello Michael, I believe the "Get Host Pass" feature that came with the 5.6 release would take care of your needs here.



Let me know if this helps.


Sort session groups via installed programs.

Jacob Burns 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

I noticed that one is able to generate an xml of the currently installed programs on a workstation. I would think it would be universally helpful if one were to sort their clients via these installed programs much like the GuestMachineOS variable. Something along the lines of "GuestInstalledProgram Name LIKE 'JavaX updateXX' OR GuestInstalledProgram = 'Microsoft .Net Framework 4.1' "

anonymous 8 years ago

This can be done in the extension: Remote System Diagnostics.


This is not currently in the core product, but may be in the future.


Color scheme for time line

Richard S 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

The default timeline colors make it difficult to see. A different color would make it more visible, but the only option is to change the view for all users. It should be an option for each user to customize the color schemes used. A darker scheme is more visible, but the names of the users are black on black, which defeats the visibility of the timeline.

anonymous 8 years ago

Hi Richard,

In the latest update of the Custom Theme Manager, you can change the color of the Timeline. The only requirement is to be on 6.0+.


Report support of tablets/mobile devices running Windows 10 or 10 Pro

Ken Paskman 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Looking for ability to provide seamless support of tablets running Windows 10 or Windows 10 Pro - ability to install/upgrade applications without user intervention on the physical device.


When the pre-release / Release notes are posted that the pre-release link is updated at the same time

mhighsmith 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 6

Currently when @Jake updates the current release log the alpha / beta / release link is not updated at the same time. Example: Build: 5.6.10661 Status: Pre-Release (Beta) was released on Friday 4/15. As of Wednesday 4/20 the release link is for ScreenConnect_5.6.10572.5925_Debug.msi Pre-Release on 3/22/2016.