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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Unattended session download from URL

David Tandberg-Johansen 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 6

In our line of business, we cooperating with our client's IT department or external consultants to setup the unattended sessions. We are usually generating a customer specific session package each time, where we fill in customer info into the session properties (Customername/CustomerNO/Etc). After generating the session, we send the installer package by email to the external consulting and they are installing it. This is very time consuming and manual.

Sometimes the installer package are stopped/deleted in virus filter, and are not delivered to the consultant.

I want a solution that we can generate the session and get a friendly/easy URL to the instaler to share, so the external consultant can download and install the session. It will sve us lot of time, and will approve the solution.

It may be necessary to add some restrictions on these URLs, and I propose either ability to specify a time restriction or set a security code on the session URL


Change Color ofMessage Notification Dot

Donnie H 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

It would be very nice to be able to change the color separate from the main these of the message notification dot. It blends in with the rest of the screen and is nearly unnoticeable.


HostSessionWithoutConsent by session group

Yves Gourlé 8 years ago updated by Yves 8 years ago 4

We would like to be able to specify that connection is possible with or without end user consent for each session group, and even for each access session.

anonymous 8 years ago

Hello Yves,

You can set the role-based permission HostSessionWithoutConsent to specific access groups on the security page.


Navigation Panel Access

jjonns 8 years ago updated by Michael Bannerman 8 years ago 2

When users who were limited to a specific session group logged into a

ScreenConnect 5.5 server, they would default to the Access node and

their assigned session group. The Support and Meeting nodes were not

visible. After upgrading to ScreenConnect 6.x, the same users now see

all three nodes and have to click on the Access node to see their

assigned session group.

It would be nice if these users could be defaulted to the Access node so that they see the computers in their assigned session group immediately.

Michael Bannerman 8 years ago

This fix is in the 6.0 update scheduled to be released this week for On Premise and Cloud. The enhancement is done and tested so I'm closing this issue. We'll announce the release in the forum output stream: http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_topics9_Output-Stream.aspx .


bring back the button to enlarge desktop preview - like we had in 5.x.x version

lyeoman 8 years ago updated by Michael Bannerman 8 years ago 3

bring back the button to enlarge desktop preview - like we had in 5.x.x version

Michael Bannerman 8 years ago

This is also available on cloud. You need to check for the "Expand Thumbnail Preview Extension" and the Edit the Web.config" Extension. You'll need the edit the web.config extension to increase quality: https://help.screenconnect.com/Editing_the_web.config_file#Resize_or_remove_a_session.27s_screen_preview_on_the_Host_page


2 "1 plan" accounts management

Alex 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 4

I have to accounts on "1 plan", because we have a small support operation and having standard qty 2 is too much in a lot of senses. I want to be able to toggle between my 2 accounts within my admin console


in extension: guest session starter: need translation for french : start a new session : démarrer une nouvelle session

jpc 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

I am trying to have our home page at jepca.ca to be in french. Anyone can help ?

anonymous 8 years ago

Hello Jpc,

It looks like this extension developer didn't translate the resource: StartSessionPanel.ButtonText, but you can edit the file and add the translation.

What you need to do is:

1. Clone the extension from the Extensions page (assuming you have it already installed)

2. Edit the file > Go to the last Web.resx > add: <data name="StartSessionPanel.ButtonText" xml:space="preserve"> <value>démarrer une nouvelle session</value> </data>


Log each and every activity performed by host and guest like mouse and keyboard events, etc.

Deepak 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

We had one instance where a guest complained that he did not delete the file or he did not wrote that on the chat window, etc. There should be a way to know that who(guest or host) had the control over the mouse/keyboard of the remote computer.


Save a shortcut to a screenconnect client

andrew 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

save a shortcut to a client

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi Andrew,

Have you tried using the ScreenConnector extension? This will allow you to pin any of your sessions so you can later connect to them without having to go to your host page. Note that when you want to add a session you'll need to know the session name since the extension will not list all available sessions out for you, but they'll be saved once pinned. For more information visit this page: http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postst4354_Extension--ScreenConnector.aspx


Display Page.Background with Custom Themes

Travis Kassing 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

If you customize the Web Resources with a Page.Background of your choice it displays properly as long as you use the built-in Visual Themes. If you prefer to install the Custom Theme Manager Extension and create your own custom Visual Theme the Web Resource configuration does not apply the Page.Background customization to display your image. In fact it won't even display the default Screen Connect pre-defined Page.Background, it's just a blank white page. Please fix this!

anonymous 8 years ago

Hello Travis,

I've set my own page.background with a custom theme and everything seems to work. Please contact our Support Team for further help if you continue to have trouble.