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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


please make it easier to put widget on webpage for clients to join sessions

Robert 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

There is no page where i can go a copy a code for a widget and paste it to my website without having to try to create my own? very fristrating.


Page Integration

damcdonald 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

Good afternoon, this question may have already been asked and answered but can anyone tell me whether or not there is a way to integrate a chat link which will allow users to send a chat request via our support page which happens to be Service Pro?


Upgrade Server from Administration section

Cazi 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 3

Many newer web based applications allow for upgrading via the web UI. Since ScreenConnect already checks for newer versions when on the Admin Status page, you should also have a button to Download and then Install newer versions when available.

It makes it easier and save steps for system admins vs logging into the server console, downloading the new version of ScreenConnect, and then running through the installation. Allowing for ScreenConnect's administration/upgrades to be done directly through the web interface.

See PRTG Network Monitor for a great example of easy server upgrades via the web UI.


remove 'start a new session' option after clicking host pass url

Cooper 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

When I click on a Host Pass url it takes me to our ScreenConnect page with an option to 'Join your session' or 'Start a new session'. Is there a way to remove the option to 'Start a new session'? It makes it confusing to the end user when they're presented with the two different options when they should be directed to the computer that the host pass was created for.

Image 13


SessionInvalidSessionEndedLaunchUrl Support of Parameters

Matthew Swanson 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1 1 duplicate

When SessionInvalidSessionEndedButton1Url was added, it was, at least in part, as a result of discussions I had with management regarding the ability to launch a survey at the end of our support sessions. It did not originally include support for parameters. Based on a feature request, support for the passing of session ID and title were added.

SessionInvalidSessionEndedLaunchUrl has now been added, and now also does not support passing paramters.

I asked the question when it was added to the output stream in teh focus group forum, and was told that it was supported:


I've been informed by support that I must now request this as a new feature request, too.

The use case for this is the same one that has driven the rest of this development: we'd like to be able to launch survey at the end of a session and collect feedback on our agents. Similar to GTA, we don't want to have to manually review each survey - we want to pass a session ID or other identifier to the survey page and allow us to link that to the user on the back end so that we know whom to credit the survey to.

anonymous 7 years ago

Hello Matthew,

We've added sessionID and title parameter support to the SessionInvalidSesssionEndedLaunchUrl setting, which will be available in 6.1.

User is now able to add parameters


for session ID or


for session name to SessionInvalidSessionEndedUrl client resource and have it correctly pull the data into the URL


Space character not being wildcard in search toolbar

apomeraniec 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 5

We use ScreenConnect to connect to more than 1000 machines.

We are use to name our locations with a 2 character code (combination of letters/numbers) such as XY or AB or 01 or Z7 ... etc

We have updated from a version 5.0 to 6.0 and now it seems that the space character in the toolbar is a wildcard so when we search for the 2 character code not only we get the machines that start with those 2 letters but a lot of other machines as well.

There should be a way to indicate that the space should be taken literal and not as a wildcard.

Thank you

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi apomeraniec,

Use quotation marks around your filter to pull the exact phase.



Add more name options to UnderControlBannerTextFormat

David Norelid 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

RIght now I have the {0} token in my UnderControlBannerTextFormat string (Your computer is being controlled by {0}), but it only uses the username, which in my case is FirstInitialLastName, not very user friendly. Can we get more tokens to use the user's full name or something similar?


Add an a flag to the Linux server installer to automatically accept the defaults

mike stone 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

This would clean up some of the automated installs of the server instead of needing another program to assist.

Have the flag be something like --accept-defaults. That way it can run without any user interaction.

Piping the script to 'yes' doesn't work well, as the questions are not always y/n based. Entering the path requires an Enter command, as does the Servicename.


Fix UAC - Should Never Lose Ability to Control Machine Remotely

Greg Fox 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

Easily reproduced and a great way to lost complete control of the system you are controlling remotely, Requiring user interaction on the physical device.

Almost defeats remote support, especially for join and hold sessions.

~Logon to a screenconnect session without service mode

~Do anything that requires UAC

~Get Stuck FOREVER

(Hopefully your user is around, because there is nothing the HOST can do to get beyond this point)

This is extremely annoying. We do multiple remote sessions and forget at times to launch as service.

A user should not be able to break the software, even if the workaround for "Service Mode" functions, nothing I do as a host should cause me to lose connection to the machine.

Please, add a feature to back out of these or send a ESCAPE from the users keyboard to close the UAC prompt and allow to run in service mode.

Michael Bannerman 8 years ago

The UAC Prompt has a 2 minute timeout after which the operation is cancelled automatically without user interaction.

After 2 minutes you should regain control of the session, if this is not the case please submit a ticket to support, but that is the behavior from our testing..

We are looking at ways to notify hosts that a guest is not an admin: http://product.screenconnect.com/topics/126-notify-host-on-connection-when-support-session-not-running-in-service-mode/ in a 6.x release.


Tracking client changes

scott 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

After making configuration changes, the client has to be reinstalled. There is currently no method for determining whether the reinstall succeeded and the client changes have been updated.