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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Restore Short Animated GIF Help

Colin 8 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

Can you please restore the support page of short animated GIF files you had for help?

For example this was one of many:

This was wonderfully concise, short and simple, with no youtube or flash support needed.

anonymous 8 years ago

Colin, you can view short clips (GIFS) here: https://www.screenconnect.com/Remote-Support-Features


Ability to disable CustomProperty Fields on Installer

Seth Whaley 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 4

I would love the ability to disable the CustomProperty fields on the installer so that the following can take place:

1. Customers can do a full Guest installer via the 3rd party extension "Guest Full Installer Builder in Action Panel" by Jonathon Hoaglin without typing in their Company name and messing up any sorting we have on our end. Would also allow for faster response times because we would see the computer populate in our default group much faster than we would in the All Computers group.

2. Tier 1 techs can install access sessions and not make a mistake when typing in the required CustomProperty values.

Both of these use cases would allow us to restrict who has access to sorting sessions by the users who have access to the "EditSession" permission and make it easier for workstations to not fall through the cracks or cause any issues with response times.

Hope others see the potential for this and we can get something implemented in a coming release of SC.


anonymous 6 years ago

Hey Seth,

Did the 6.1 implementation of drop-down custom property fields help with your use case #2? I would also suggest using the Basic guest installer, so you can limit the likelihood of a guest keying in the wrong or unwanted information. 


Screenshot in General Tab

Arnel 8 years ago updated 3 years ago 7

Can you enable the screenshot to be shown larger without distortion? the extension distorts image to much.

anonymous 8 years ago

Hello Arnel, the extension shouldn't be distorted, but when you install the extension you need to also make changes to the web.config.

For more info take a look here: http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postst3661_Tweak-to-show-larger-thumbnail--screenshot--of-guest-machine-in-Host-page.aspx#post14393

You can edit the web.config in the cloud by using this extension: https://help.screenconnect.com/Extension:Edit_Web.Config_AppSettings


Remotely control Android on SECOSBC-A62 Board

Alessandro 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Partner requests to remotely control devices mounting SECOSBC-A62 Board and running Android 5.0.2 (current version and sources on this page http://www.udoo.org/bsp-download-page/, will be soon updated to 5.1/N), at the moment we can only remotely clone the screen, according to your page about Android and Mobile OSs (https://www.screenconnect.com/Mobile-Device-Remote-Support) but we need a full remote control.

anonymous 8 years ago

Hello Alessandro,

Looks like you'll need to modify the Android build you're using to allow our Android app to read the framebuffer and inject events in order for our app to control the device. Seems there isn't much we can do to help with this request on our end.


fix the session timeout closed dialog box

coop9653 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 4

fix the session timeout closed dialog box so it always appears over the session timeout. currently it sometimes appears in the upper left corner of the computer screen.

anonymous 7 years ago


We couldn't reproduce this behavior. We believe it happens due to something unique to your environment. 


Addition access section with security

PJ Moka 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

have option which enable to have three categories ie you might have three branches and you do not want a user to see all clients so you will have US ( with list of all their clients subgroups) UK ( with list of all their clients and subgroups) and Europe ( with list of all their clients and subgroups)


Request to update invited connection to session join page. Example Get Host pass invite, support session invite, meeting session invite

Branden R 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 3

I would like to see when you, give someone the link to access a session directly that under Join you see which computer/session you are remotely connecting to.

This would make it very nice for several reasons.

1. It makes it easier to understand if the user has been sent multiple session invites.

2. Now that we have the ability to send out "Get Host Pass" invites, you may send out 2 or more invites to a vendor or support company to access multiple support or access sessions.

2a. 2 good examples of this is you have an application that has 2 DB servers and 1 App Server or you have 2 exchange servers and 2 Domain controllers that you need to give remote access to.

Image 7




option to turn off auto focus on embedded themes

Vince Russo 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

We have the embedded theme added to the footer of our freshdesk portal. If there is an active session and the enter code text box is present when someone loads our portal page, the page directly focuses on the footer. SInce we typically always have someone running a session this mean anytime our page loads, the window immediately focuses on the footer.


Launch unattended access session directly from Connectwise configuration attached to ticket

Sol Birnbaum 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

Currently the ScreenConnect button in ConnectWise only allow for launching a support session. Would be incredibly time saving for our techs to be able to launch an existing access session directly from a ConnectWise ticket. I envision the session id getting pulled via a Workstation configuration (a custom field?) and hopefully being synchronized via Labtech (or another Managed Device integrator).

anonymous 8 years ago

Feature requests for the ConnectWise integration should go through your ConnectWise Account rep or the University. Development of that extension was handled by the ConnectWise team. I was able to reach out to one of the PMs and they expect that "being able to launch an existing access session..." will be available in early Q4 barring development delay. Closing this issue to clear it from our dev board, but send me an email if you need additional assistance.


Create display name for chat sessions

TechGy 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2 1 duplicate

Our usernames are configured with the format 'jdoe', so when we initiate chat sessions with users, they see 'jdoe' as the chat initiator. We'd like to be able to create a display name like 'John Doe' without having to change usernames

anonymous 8 years ago

This is already a current feature of the product. You can change the:


to "true" and you'll see a new field on the Security page for display name. Important to note any custom properties or variables referring to Host will now use the Display name.