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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Improve Linux Cinnamon (unity based desktop?) support

scott 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

When using ScreenConnect to remote to a Linux Cinnamon host, the Linux menu is unusable. It doesn't open when hovering or clicking with the mouse, and even if it is opened on the host, it does not show on the guest screen. Support indicated that this may be a problem with unity based desktops, something about composting.


Version 6.0 allows to create multiple codes with the same name.

Dhananjaya A B 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

Version 6.0 allows to create multiple codes with the same name and this leads to confusion to the users.Please change this functionality to show a pop up message as " This code is already Exists.Please create a new code ".


Explicit User Authentication before connect

donavon campbell 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

Similar to Teamviewer.... The user not the Technician wants to be able to
approve or deny access to someone trying to connect to their desktop.

Can this be done? I am getting massive push-back from clients who do not
want to give us unlimited/anytime access to their computers without them
authorizing the access.

Dan Taube 7 years ago

There is a the specific security feature of requiring "consent". With it being required, the client is prompted with a dialog box to consent to your remote access. Now, with version 6 this changes slightly where it is continued consent (for a period of time, not indefinitely), but there's a separate feature request on here to address that.

They have a wiki page dedicated to the topic here: https://help.screenconnect.com/KB:Prompt_guest_for_consent_before_connecting_to_a_remote_machine


closing a support session started from labtech does not prompt to end/leave session.

reckardt 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

when techs use the screen connect support menu in labtech (tools > screen connect support sessions viewer) a session is started without issues.

when they agent closes the session started from this tool, they are not given the option to CLOSE, END, CANCEL. the session. as a result sessions remain open, or the tech has to remember to go back into the SC window within labtech to manually end the session.

if they don't sessions remain active indefinitely. i would like to have the techs prompted the same way they would be prompted if the session was initiated form the web portal.

anonymous 7 years ago

I have added this as an Enhancement Request on the LabTech side.


input priority

Timothy 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

It seems the default is for the guest to have priority when comes to input on the machine.
Is it possible to either default to the host having priority or maybe add a switch next to the "block guest input" option

anonymous 7 years ago

The thought here is to always allow the guest to be able to "escape" a support session. 


Linux upgrade install - add [Y/n] selector for journal recording backup

Aaron Salsitz 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 5

Please add a [Y/n] selector during upgrade install to limit backups to config files only. My journal recordings are commonly 50-100GB and upgrades take a LONG TIME. I run backups daily and snapshot the VM before upgrades...

Thanks and THANK YOU for the great product and relevant upgrades. I am looking forward to ScreenConnect 6!


Add auditing of the web.config file.

George Jackson 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 3

I have four people who have access to our ScreenConnect server. I need to know who and when the web.config file gets modified.


Mobile Tool Box Tree View

CTEZ 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2 1 duplicate

The Tool Box shows very nicely when logged in via a computer with a tree view layout to it. However, when viewing the Tool Box via the SC Mobile App on Android it does not give me a nice

folder tree view look anymore. Instead it lists all files in a continuous line and is very difficult to locate my files and some are hard to read because of the long file paths. There is no easy way to navigate through all these jumbled file paths efficiently.

An example of what I see on the mobile phone is...

folder path/folder path/folder path/file.exe
folder path/folder path/folder path/file.exe
folder path/folder path/folder path/file.exe
folder path/folder path/folder path/file.exe
folder path/folder path/folder path/file.exe
and continues on...

Via desktop it is much better on the eyes and looks like this...



And so on...which is a much more efficient way to navigate.


Pending Review

Station Monitoring

Michael George 8 years ago updated by Jeremy Nelson 6 years ago 2

Since your product already installs an agent on the machine... Even if it was an add-on product line would it be possible to integrate the functionality that http://www.observeit.com/ has on their product. To monitor workstation activity as well as the funtionality you currently are offering. Maybe even add a 4th option to install an agent specifically for this purpose. I feel this would create a complete package.


BeepOnConnect is actually a user setting, I can not edit using a configuration file or admin tool - I need to manage this option remotely.

lyeoman 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 5

I must monitor people.. I've got everything hidden... but I was on the phone helping a person I also need to stealth... I heard a beep when I connected to his PC... ask support..

BeepOnConnect is actually a user setting, and can not be configured by config or admin tools... you must right click users side icon in task bar and toggle it.

I can not edit using a configuration file or admin tool - I need to manage this option remotely and I need to lock it down in the off mode so the user doesn't and can't change it.