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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Guest Audio - Mac to Mac, Mac to PC

John Fazio 4 years ago 0 2 duplicates

Would love to have ScreenConnect support Guest Audio on a Mac - when connecting to a Mac from a Mac, as well as when connecting to a Mac from a PC.  Currently only audio from the Mic is currently pulled under both scenarios. 

Audio is fully functional PC from PC, and was told by support that Mac from Mac and Mac from PC is a current Feature Request.  Thanks!

Pending Review

Allow multiple 2fa/otp services

c0deadd1ct 5 years ago updated by justin 4 years ago 2

Would be very useful if you allow multiple 2fa services on one user like email+goog perhaps by comma separated etc., sometimes a user has no access to email but does to other services 

Considering for Future Release

install options to set CustomProperty values

andrew 5 years ago updated by Mowens 5 years ago 2

run the installer ie 

screenconnect.msi /CustomProperty1:PCS /CustomProperty2:NY  


Under Review

Access session - Option to auto-close chat box on disconnect (not the close of session)

Greg Wenner 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

We use Control through Automate, and thus have thousands of access sessions open. When our engineers connect to a machine and chat with a user, then disconnect from the session, the chat box does not automatically close. This is a problem because the user still thinks they are chatting with the engineer. While an email is sent to us with the contents of the message, this box should be closed automatically on disconnect to prevent confusion for the end-user.

We would like an option to auto-close the chat box when leaving an open access session. 

Pending Review

Screen select option for Mobile Control app

Iain @ ITF 5 years ago updated by DrewR 5 months ago 1

The mobile app on android is good, however there needs to be a select screen option similar to the desktop version.

When connecting to a multiscreen device, you end up constantly resizing and scrolling to see the content as you are presented with all screens rather than just one. 

This would make it a whole lot more useful. 

Under Review

ScreenConnector One Time Password

Josh T 6 years ago updated by LouisJJames 3 years ago 15


Is there a way to add a "remember this computer" box to the One-Time Password within ScreenConnector?  We are using version 6.9.21691.6956.

Image 382

Under Review

vPro support

Peter OTools 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

I don't see a follow up, I couldn't even found if was complete, on this old (9/22/2016) feature request made by: toffitomek

Here it is again:

I have a dream!      vPro Support

- you can power on system remotely
- you can see BIOS (AFAIK it uses VNC)
- you can mount ISO 
- when system is up you switch to SC client
- all above working over Internet with 'Fast Call For Help feature'

Any of the elements above, even power ON/OFF and basic ISO mount on BIOS level, so you can boot new OS or to network would be big thing.

I know it's completely different stuff from core SC development but Intel provides plenty of APIs, corporate uses vPro, even when it's hard to setup, and (IMHO) it would open new rich markets for SC.

This could make a huge impact on promoting SC all over the world

Pending Review

Personal 'send to screen' credentials

Ano Niem 6 years ago updated by Trevor Schmidt 5 years ago 5


Currently we have unattended access on about 85 servers. But we see more and more that our technicians are getting personal logins to servers because of security reasons. 

Is it possible to have a personal 'send to screen' button with credentials linked to the logged in user?

We would like to see this :). 


Manage Credentials Security Setting

MSP User 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 16

Similar to how Managed Shared Toolbox is available for selection or de-selection within security, it would be very helpful to be able to restrict a user from the ability to access Manage Credentials for a workstation.  We have administrators that would use the feature, but we don't want secondary ScreenConnect users who also have access to the station to have the ability to Send to Screen or alter the credentials.

Considering for Future Release

Enable Control for MAAS360.

Claire Simmons 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

We have moved to Connectwise Control for all our remote sessions including adhoc. We used to use Teamviewer. We are trialling IBM MAAS360 and i understand that the remote session part is still using teamviewer. Can you enable MAAS360 to use Screenconnect for remote sessions?

Can this be considered as a feature enhancement please?