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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Case/Chassis RMM Integration into Manage

Jason Ouellette 2 months ago 0

As a blooming MSP, vCIO roles are being added and we are using a toolset called LifeCycle Insights. With this tool I can build budgets and replacement recommendations with costs. In order for this to be accurate, I must be able to discern between Laptops and Desktops. The program specifically utilizes ConnectWise Manage as its SoT.

This is a field within RMM Device Details already - the Case/Chassis line that currently and correctly says Desktop, Server, or Laptop. After speaking with your integration team they informed me that this RMM field is not read at all by Manage.

Please add a new field to ConnectWise Manage Configurations under Configuration Details that dictates the Case/Chassis Field from RMM. Calling it Case/Chassis would be preferable.

Pending Review

captcha for login

Daniel Rabinowitz 7 months ago updated 7 months ago 2

adding a captcha option to the login page would really help stop the 1000+ malicious attempts to login to my site this past week.

Pending Review

Send to Screen for Windows Core Servers

michalis c 1 year ago 0

We have plenty of devices running Windows Server Core. We would like the "Send to Screen" banner and button enabled when we connect to those devices. Currently, because there is no password box, this feature doesn't work.

Pending Review

Add Mac agent deployment via Script and Deploy over Intune

FYXL 2 years ago updated by Christian Baldwin 6 months ago 1

I have noticed the Script for Screen connect for Mac is way too big to be deployed over intune (Cloud Deploy) is we have the ability to deploy the agent unattended via script would resolve alot of problem for mac.

Mac user in our enterprise does not have admin rights to perform installations


Dates in the Notes section

Susan Kirchner 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

We use Notes to put in about the various machines or setups at the location where the machine is.  For some reason they just use mm/dd for the date entered.  Can you please make them use the mm/dd/yyyy for the date instead?  We have machines that have been in the field for a couple years and the notes don't show in chronological order since the year isn't included.

Pending Review

Default Blank Guest Monitor/Input

cbray 3 years ago updated by TryonNCryon 2 years ago 5

I have had a few people ask about the possibility to have Blank Guest Input and Blank Guest Monitor enabled by default for some workstations. Two separate scenarios have been brought up to me:

    A user is granted access through the Automate portal to use Control to access their PC remotely and would like the ability for it to default "Blank Guest Monitor" and "Blank Guest Input" for their session to their workstation so anyone walking by cannot see it.
    A client has a server where the display is visible to employees and is locked until a technical resource has connected to it, in which case it could be alarming to people who do not realize it is a technical resource using the device.
Pending Review

Disable weak web encryption TLS 1.0 and 1.1

zedly 3 years ago 0

There doesn't appear to be a way for SaaS/hosted users to harden web encryption security by disabling TLS 1.0 and 1.1 on the ConnectWise web portal. Both TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are no longer recommended for use due to security issues with the encryption of both methods.

Being able to disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 allows us to protect our user base further. Please consider this security enhancement as having one encryption profile for all hosted clients also reduces the security for all if only one customer has a requirement to support Windows XP still. 

Pending Review

FIPS Certification

Kristoffer Oswald 3 years ago 0

Software needs to get FIPS Certified soon or we will need to switch platforms.

FIPS compliant is not acceptable.

Pending Review

Add SORT BY to Session Group options

Scott Beeson 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

The Session Group filter is really powerful.  However, it would be REALLY nice if I could SORT BY the various fields.  Namely, it would be nice if I could create a "Recently Accessed" group that sorted by my last connect time.  Other benefits might include showing sessions with guests connected at the top (sort by connection count desc) or sort by IP.

Pending Review

Consistent Posting Of Release Notes

Phil K 4 years ago 0

This is to make the release notes consistent and available when the updates get published. 

For example, according to here:


The most recent version notes are for 20.7.29104

However, on here:


the most recent notes are for 20.7.29386

Neither are up to date though. My instance updated to 20.7.29443.7508 and there are still no notes for this release.

Please provide release notes when any new version is out, preferably before the instances auto-update.