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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Adding SSL to Site for SSL Redirect, running both Domain & screenconnect.com SSL Certs.

keith swiney 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Adding our SSL to go along with the SC SSL, allowing SSL redirect by CNAME.


Add LastHostConnectedEventTime and LastGuestConnectedEventTime to session group variables

derekj 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3 2 duplicates

I'd like to see a Variable of: LastHostConnectedEventTime and LastGuestConnectedEventTime that way, I can create a session group based on X amount of days that either a host or a guest has connected to a session. 

Unfortunately we have ALOT of employees that leave support sessions open, some for legit reasons, some not and I end up having to close out old sessions based on the last time a host used/connected to a session on a daily basis. Then I can create a new session group to filter out support sessions similar to: LastHostConnectedEventTime > $XDAYSAGO

Under Review

Auto join support sessions

Michelle Barr 7 years ago updated by Darron Bitter 5 years ago 3

In prior versions it allowed you to default your option to 'auto join' your support session.  Please add this feature back, at least as a user option if they want this to happen or not because it currently requires an extra step.

Under Review

Revert Session Group editing UI

Ebonweaver 7 years ago 1 1 duplicate

In 6.2 the removal of the edit link for managing session groups is a serious downgrade and should be reverted. This new method of only being able to edit one item at a time is not nearly as convenient. Now as I rework groups or copy strings from one to another I have to open and close multiple popups multiple times rather than just doing everything in one screen.

Under Review

Enable the use of Authy for 2 factor

Kenneth James 7 years ago updated by mhighsmith 5 years ago 9 1 duplicate

Would like to use the Authy app with 2 factor

Under Review

clipboard image

mwest 8 years ago updated by JamesEN 2 years ago 2

We need to paste images clipped with Windows Snipping tool, taken from the local desktop and pasted remote for example into an email or spreadsheet, or taken on the remote and pasted on the local desktop. While CTRL-C / CTRL-V works with LogMeIn, GoToMyPC, and Teamviewer, it does not seem to be a feature of the ScreenConnect clipboard. Its a critical feature we can't live without. Any chance of adding it anytime soon?

Under Review

install access with organization specified in command line

Clickcomp 8 years ago 0

When pushing a installer to a computer for unatended access it would be nice if I could use a standard exe file and just specify the Orgonization within the command

Eg: screenconnect.exe /Orinization=company

Considering for Future Release

Allow E-mail trigger for MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts with IP info

David T 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

When this is met:


Allow mail trigger under Triggers section

Considering for Future Release

Client Logo - Client App built by customer information (ie Logo)

RichardX720 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

Good Day, A great feature for those "access" customers who want a tailored support may be the following idea:

1. In Admin Section, create entries for your customers.. (Customer 1 & their logo) (Customer 2 & their logo)

2. From the back end, when creating the installation application, it would bundle the customers logo for the taskbar icon.

Some of my customers in the health care industry do not like to see a 3rd party icon running in their taskbar that lets remote access to their workstation. It would give them that cozy feeling seeing their own logo.

Just an idea. Thanks


Please Change Price or Pricing Structure - Need support from startups

The Gentle Geek 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

I just spoke to screenconnect sales department and found out that you may be working on creating a different pricing structure by the end of the year 2016. I am just getting started out as a 1 or 2 man shop with 5 or 6 clients and there are thousands of companies like this all over the USA. $24 per month is just too much for a tiny company that runs 5 or 6 sessions PER YEAR. May I suggest that you offer a $5 or $10 single session pricing model? That I could afford. Also you offer Remote Access for 25 agents for $300 per year. Again... think about 1 or 2 agents with 5 or 6 clients. How could you price the Remote Access so tiny companies like us can afford it, and still make money? I am counting on you, my fellow startups, to plus one this post so screenconnect staff will consider changing their price or pricing structure. Thank you for your support!

anonymous 7 years ago

We added in a Free license tier that provides up to three access agents and one support session connection at a time, follow the link below for more info. https://www.screenconnect.com/Pricing